Humanitarian Fund Fundraising Auction 人道援助基金籌款拍賣

TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
Fundraising Auction of Ricker Choi’s Paintings
Auction starts on Wednesday Dec 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm
拍賣 Ricker Choi 畫作
拍賣於2020年12月30日星期三正午12:00 開始
TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
Fundraising Auction of Ricker Choi’s Paintings
Auction starts on Wednesday Dec 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm
拍賣 Ricker Choi 畫作
拍賣於2020年12月30日星期三正午12:00 開始
On behalf of the Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC), we would like to commend you on the new immigration measures supporting Hong Kong residents and Canadians in Hong Kong.
We also take this opportunity to thank you for the impeccable timing of your announcement. To have this package released on the day after the mass resignation of 15 Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers triggered by the disqualification of their 4 legislative colleagues, the day dubbed by many Hong Kongers as the “darkest day”, has been a most concrete act of international support and solidarity. The Canadian announcement has served as a welcoming news and morale booster for the Hong Kong activists and supporters here in Canada. (more…)
Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2012, the June 4th Museum has again and again suffered pressure and harassment. Today when National Security Law has been imposed to the people of Hong Kong, the preservation of precious historical archives and relics faces many difficulties. The museum is having a crowdfunding campaign to build a permanent museum of human rights memory for the 1989 democratic movement to be available on the Internet. (more…)
Taking effect only on July 1, 2020, the National Security Law has already created a profoundly devastating impact on the people of Hong Kong. Dissent, freedom of expression and the relative high level of autonomy enjoyed by its people, are being eroded in an unprecedented pace and scope. We applaud the leadership and our government’s immediate action in canceling the extradition treaty agreement between Canada and Hong Kong. (more…)
TADC has published briefing notes concerning the dire situation in Hong Kong. We ask you to send an email message to local MP with the document attached. In the email, write your own words to urge your MP to speak up in the House of Commons for Canada and vote for immediate actions addressing the crisis in Hong Kong the same way as other countries like US, UK and EU have done.
多倫多支持中國民運會發表有關香港嚴峻形勢的簡報,希望閣下向當區國會議員發送電郵並附上此文件。 在電郵中請用自己的言詞敦促國會議員在國會上積極發言,要求加拿大為香港的危機立刻採取行動,就如美國、英國和歐盟等其他國家一樣。 (more…)
網上直播 Live Broadcast
由多倫多民運會、温哥華支聯會及卡加利民促會共同主辦的三地連線活動,當晚全程錄影可於本會所有社交媒體重温。而天安門母親、Alex Neve、王丹和香港手足的片段已經加上中英文字幕並在YouTube獨立發佈,縺結如下。
For the online event jointly hosted by TADC, VSSDM and CMDC, recording of the entire event is available at all TADC social media channels. Video clips for Tiananmen Mothers, Alex Neve, Wang Dan and Hong Kong protesters have been separately released with English and Chinese subtitles on YouTube. The links to all of the videos are listed below. (more…)
Canada, UK, USA, EU, Germany, Australia and many countries have officially expressed their opposition to the bill proposed in Hong Kong on extradition arrangement with China. Some countries went so far as to request Hong Kong government to withdraw the bill. 67 international organizations, TADC as one of them, has issued a joint statement to Ms Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong, to express our deep concerns on the bill due to China’s poor records on human rights and on rule of law. The Global Rally Against Extradition to China on Sunday June 9th will be held in 27 cities of 10 countries in addition to Hong Kong (as of this upload), including Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver in Canada. For information on the rally in each city, please refer to the listing in this document and Facebook page Global Solidarity with Hong Kong.
Joint Statement by 67 organizations (English)
六十七組織聯合聲明 (中文)
Many organizations around the world are organizing events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre. Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary of Canada are erecting a Liu Xiaobo memorial in each city as the focus of the commemoration. (more…)