Humanitarian Fund 3-Year Summary


First and foremost, many thanks to those who have contributed to the Humanitarian Fund during the last 3 years. Your unconditional support and trust to TADC board members and core volunteers has been the biggest driving force and strongest encouragement to keep us going.


Special Newsletter 2022-11 特別通訊

As a human rights organization founded in May 1989 in support of the student protests in Tiananmen Square, we have been a strong advocate for human rights and democracy in Hong Kong and China for the past thirty-three years. We have never wavered from taking principled stance against injustices and at the same time, as Canadians, we fully embrace and safeguard the universal core values of freedom, democracy, dignity and justice for all.  Whether the suppression and human rights violations from Chinese Communist Part is in Tibet, the Uyghur region, or Hong Kong, the above quote of Dr. Martin Luther King rings true.  It is in the same vein that we express our solidarity to the protest actions erupted spontaneously throughout China in the last few days.  We strongly encourage you as our friends and  supporters to attend the upcoming events against the CCP regime in solidarity.

本會為支持天安門學生運動而於 1989 年 5 月成立的人權組織。過去 33 年,我們一直大力倡導香港及中國的人權和民主,對抗不公義的原則和立場從未動搖。與此同時,作為加拿大人,我們完全擁護並捍衛世人享有自由、民主、尊嚴和正義的普世價值。中共的極權鎮壓和侵犯人權無論是在西藏、維吾爾地區還是在香港,馬丁路德金博士的警世格言都同樣響起。對最近幾天在中國各地爆發的自發抗議行動,我們當然表示聲援。本會鼓勵各界友好及支持者一同參與即將舉行的各項活動,團結一致,無分你我地對準中共政權。


Online Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Museum


Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2012, the June 4th Museum has again and again suffered pressure and harassment. Today when National Security Law has been imposed to the people of Hong Kong, the preservation of precious historical archives and relics faces many difficulties. The museum is having a crowdfunding campaign to build a permanent museum of human rights memory for the 1989 democratic movement to be available on the Internet. (more…)

Urging Canada to take action on Hong Kong

Taking effect only on July 1, 2020, the National Security Law has already created a profoundly devastating impact on the people of Hong Kong. Dissent, freedom of expression and the relative high level of autonomy enjoyed by its people, are being eroded in an unprecedented pace and scope. We applaud the leadership and our government’s immediate action in canceling the extradition treaty agreement between Canada and Hong Kong.  (more…)