由多倫多民運會、温哥華支聯會及卡加利民促會共同主辦的三地連線活動,當晚全程錄影可於本會所有社交媒體重温。而天安門母親、Alex Neve、王丹和香港手足的片段已經加上中英文字幕並在YouTube獨立發佈,縺結如下。
For the online event jointly hosted by TADC, VSSDM and CMDC, recording of the entire event is available at all TADC social media channels. Video clips for Tiananmen Mothers, Alex Neve, Wang Dan and Hong Kong protesters have been separately released with English and Chinese subtitles on YouTube. The links to all of the videos are listed below.
我們非常感謝參議員Jim Munson先生,身處美國的王丹先生,維吾爾裔加人協會Mehmet Tohti先生,香港支聯會李卓人先生,加拿大國際特赦Alex Neve先生,卑斯省國會議員趙錦榮先生,安省省議員Bhutila Karpoche女士和香港Project R「帕拉圖」先生於6月4日晚上現場發表講話,還有天安門母親的一位代表,香港李柱銘先生和三名目前正在加拿大尋求庇護的香港前線手足的錄像講話。更加感謝您當晚的參與。
We were grateful to have statements delivered live in the evening of June 4 by Senator Jim Munson, Mr Wang Dan in US, Mr Mehmet Tohti of Uyghur Canadian Society, Mr Cheuk-Yan Lee of Hong Kong Alliance, Mr Alex Neve of Amnesty International Canada, MP in Birtish Columbia Mr Kenny Chiu, MPP in Ontario Ms Bhutila Karpoche and Mr “Plato” of Hong Kong Project R, and delivered on recorded video by one of the Tiananmen Mothers in China, Mr Martin Lee in HK and three Hong Kong protesters currently seeking asylum in Canada. We also thank every one of you joining the online event.
網上悼念錄影 Recording of Online Memorial
- YouTube full length 全程錄影
- Facebook full length 全程錄影
- Twitter full length 全程錄影
- Youtube 天安門母親片段 Clip for Tiananmen Mothers
- YouTube 國際特赦 Alex Neve 片段 Clip for Alex Neve
- YouTube 王丹片段 Clip for Wang Dan
- YouTube 香港手足片段 Clip for Hong Kong Protesters