Request for Sanctions Under Magnitsky Law 請求以《馬格尼茨基法案》作出制裁

We, the undersigned, respectfully submit this request for the Canadian government to impose targeted sanctions on individuals in Hong Kong who have played critical roles in enforcing the region’s repressive policies, undermining judicial independence, and facilitating the persecution of pro-democracy activists.



Canada-PRC Committee Meeting Cannot Be Suspended 加中關係委員會會議不容暫停

Open letter from 9 organizations in Canada to members of the Special Committee on the Canada–PRC Relationship for an Urgent Appeal Regarding the Proposal to Suspend Regular CACN Meetings.

九個香港裔加拿大人組織聯合發聲,對加拿大-中國關係特別委員會擬暫停定期會議深表震驚。 認為委員會工作比以往更為重要,呼籲委員會繼續定期會議,調查中國如何通過香港影響本國。


Revoke HKETO status 撤消香港經貿辦地位

Petition e-5137 聯署

Petition will close on Nov 10, 2024. Please sign it as soon as you can. There is no age restrictions to sign as long as you are a Canadian citizen or resident, i.e. PR, study permit, work permit or refugee claimant. Online petition needs your name, phone, postal code and valid email address. Upon receiving the confirmation email, click the link in the message to make your signature valid. Paper petition requires your physical signature and an unidentifiable address in Canada (street name, city, province and postal code). Provided personal information is for verification by the Federal Government and will never be released.



Canadian Premiere “Rather Be Ashes Than Dust” 《寜化飛灰》加拿大首影

The documentary Rather Be Ashes Than Dust comes to Toronto for its Canadian premiere at the end of September for two screenings. First screening will be held at OCAD University on Sep 28 and second screening at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus on Sep 29. Director Alan Lau will meet the audience for Q&A after each screening. Tickets and details are at Eventbrite.

紀錄片《寧化飛灰》加拿大首影在多倫多放映兩場,第一場於9月28日在安省藝術及設計大學 (OCAD University) 舉行,第二場於9月29日在多倫多大學士嘉堡校園舉行。劉健倫導演更會專程由英國前來多倫多,在放映完畢後與觀眾交流對談。詳情及購票請往 Eventbrite 綱站。
