Power & Politics

“The emphasis was on the word ‘foreign’ … (but) many of these bad actors may not be foreigners. They’re Canadians; they may be native born Canadians. It doesn’t matter whether you’re immigrant or not,” said Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, on the Foreign Influence Transparency legislation. Watch on YouTube

Power & Politics

“If we do have a public inquiry, which I recommend as well, it should be quick and done in the next two months so that we don’t drag it until the next election cycle,” said Cheuk Kwan, TADC Co-Chair. Watch Power & Politics at 1:19:15

Toronto AM640

“If he is doing an investigation and not even talk to the subject of the investigation, what are we to make up in his report,” Cheuk Kwan, TADC Co-Chair speaking on Mr. Johnston’s report.

OMNI 都市聚焦

到底反對黨及關注組織一直堅持爭取要召開外國干預本國選舉的公開聆訊, 已並非初步報告所說的公開聽證會? 原因何在? 專訪曾在國會常設委員會就外國干預事件發言的多倫多支持中國民運會共同主席關卓中。 觀看片段

Hong Kong Free Press

Caught in the crossfire: Chinese diaspora bears brunt of Canada-Beijing tensions Allegations of harassment have been described by rights activists and Canada’s ethnic minorities, and documented by Amnesty International in recent years. Some have accused Chinese undercover agents or proxies of intimidating Chinese Canadians by vowing retribution against their relatives back home. “What they do…

棱角媒體 Points Media

加國華人民運組織高層 轟中國特務威脅中港家人 「我們知道你父母住哪裡」 有支持民主的加拿大華人組織坦言,不時面臨中國特務威嚇,其中,「多倫多支持中國民運會」聯合主席關卓中,近日接受法新社訪問時便透露,「他們(中國特務)利用在中國或香港的家庭關係來威脅你。或只是簡單的一句,『我們知道你的父母住在哪裡』」。 閱讀全文

CBC Power & Politics

Speaking at Power & Politics, Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, said that we should look forward to a desperately-needed foreign agent registry and to strengthening the tools for the law enforcement to break the cycle of Chinese interference. Watch Power & Politics at 1:10:30

A1中文電台 A1出擊

不需研訊 只需聽證 研究外國干預專員的首份報告出了什麼問題? 播出日期:2023年5月23日 被訪者:多倫多支持中國民運會共同主席 關卓中 A1出擊 主持人:馮凱欣

Global National News

Why a Liberal MP is calling on the Canadian government to reconsider foreign agent registry Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, spoke with Global News Mackenzie Gray on his report about an MP within the governing Liberals going against the grain and voicing his opposition to the plan.