Global National News

Why a Liberal MP is calling on the Canadian government to reconsider foreign agent registry Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, spoke with Global News Mackenzie Gray on his report about an MP within the governing Liberals going against the grain and voicing his opposition to the plan.

Global The West Block

Chinese Canadians urge feds to look into the depth, danger of China’s meddling Chinese interference continues to dominate headlines. And while talking about China’s efforts to influence and interfere in Canada’s democracy might be new to some, many in the Chinese Canadian community say this has been a problem they have warned about for years.

National Post Comment

It is offensive to Chinese Canadians to call foreign registry ‘racist’ Properly used, the registry will prevent an entire community from being singularly labelled as a threat By Cheuk Kwan and Dora Nipp

CBC Radio Ontario Today

In respond to a caller who says she and her circle of friends have not experienced or heard anything like that, “those who have been intimidated are those who dare to speak out,” said Kwan, TADC co-chair. Listen In

CBC Power & Politics

“Shining a light on a few bad apples is not enough to overturn the apple cart … Our worry is that people in charge are hiding behind the racism shield in terms of deflecting the issue “

CBC National News

Investigation and registry will bring up anti-Chinese, anti-Asian sentiment “plays straightly into the playbook of the Chinese Communist Party … By having an open inquiry … will help ourselves as victims of Chinese interference.”

CBC News

“No doubt, the interference in the Canadian election electoral process is a grave concern. But I argue that this is the tip of the iceberg,” Kwan, co-chair of TADC testified in the ETHI committee meeting.

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