Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) was founded in May 1989 to support the student protest in Tiananmen Square in Beijing and the movement for democratic reform in China.

TADC works with like-minded NGOs to advocate human rights and democracy in China and holds commemorative events on each anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
In the past many years, TADC has gathered community effort to erect 3 permanent public displays, two of them in Toronto and one in Ottawa.
TADC is a non-profit organization registered in Ontario, Canada. We do not receive funding from any government. Our fight for democracy and human rights in China is solely dependent on donation from the general public.

To keep yourself updated with timely information from TADC, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. TADC also has a Telegram channel. As the situation in Hong Kong and the coercive diplomacy of China are developing rapidly, you are encouraged to join TADC subscription list to make sure our information can reach you. Please write to us any time using one of the social media accounts, general email [email protected] or confidential email [email protected].
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