Commemoration of 30th Anniversary of June 4

2019June4PosterWith this year’s June 4th soon upon us, TADC has prepared a series of events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Please come with your family and friends to these free events. Be sure to join us on Sat June 1 for the June 4 Rally and for the preview of the Liu Xiaobo Empty Chair memorial.


Press Conference 新聞發佈會

March 27, 2019 | 3月27日

With this year’s June 4th soon upon us, TADC has prepared a series of events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989.  As always, our theme continues to be “Never Forget June 4” and “Democracy in China”. Particularly, we also want to expose the invasion and influence of “China Model” into Canada.


Public Forum: Free Expression and National Interests: The case of China

Thursday April 11, 2019 | 4月11日星期四

Ryerson Centre for Free Expression is holding a public forum on “Free Expression and National Interests: The Case of China”. The discussion panel includes Sanjay Ruparelia, Cheuk Kwan of TADC and Jan Wong, with Lisa Taylor as the moderator. This forum is free and all are welcomed. Please check out the following web page for more details.

懷雅遜大學將於四月十一日星期四舉行公眾論壇,主題圍繞中國政府操控公衆輿論,對加國人民及其自由言論的影響。主講嘉賓有Sanjay Ruparelia、Jan Wong黃明珍、及本會發言人關卓中,由Lisa Taylor擔任主持。公衆論壇費用全免、無需預先登記,以英語舉行,敬請屆時參加。欲知詳情請點擊以上網址查閲。 (more…)

Public Forum: Dissent, Democracy & Student Activism

Wednesday March 27, 2019 | 3日27日星期三

TADC is pleased to sponsor this Ryerson event organized by Unifor National Chair in Social Justice and Democracy and Jack Layton Chair to mark the 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989. The free public forum will be held on Wed 3/27 with Wang Dan, Rowena He and Chris Ramsaroop as speakers and Kiké Roach as moderator. Please go to this link for more information on the event.

為紀念天安門六四30周年,由本會贊助、懷雅遜大學主辦的公眾論壇將於三月廿七日星期三舉行,重點討論學生運動與民主抗爭。主講嘉賓除王丹外,還邀請到何曉清博士及Chris Ramsaroop一同出席。公衆論壇費用全免、無需預先登記,敬請屆時參加。欲知詳情請點擊至網頁查閲。–democracy—activism/


To Prime Minister Trudeau RE Uygurs in Xinjiang, China 致加拿大總理關於中國新彊維吾人公開信

Stand Up for human rights in Xinjiang and take actions to protect Canadians

Dear Prime Minister:

On behalf of Toronto Association for Democracy in China, we write to raise our deep concerns about the massive human rights abuse in Xinjiang (East Turkistan), China.

We are heartened when Canada became the first state to acknowledge China’s use of  ‘re-education’ camps to hold hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs. However, we are deeply disappointed that our government has not taken concrete actions to stand up for the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, and to protect Uyghur Canadians from the harassment in Canada by the Chinese government. (more…)

Coalition Letter to Foreign Minister Freeland RE Uyghurs 致加拿大外交部長關於維吾爾人的公開信

Dear Minister Freeland,

I write to you on behalf of the members of the Canadian Coalition on Human Rights in China listed below with an urgent request. As you know, China’s human rights record will be in the global spotlight tomorrow when the country is examined under the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic review process for the first time since 2013. As always, there are many pressing human rights concerns that merit attention as states present their questions and recommendations for reform to China. We have welcomed the opportunity to engage with your officials, as part of our annual consultation meeting and through written submissions, as to issues we hope Canada will highlight. (more…)

Condemn Chinese Government’s Safety Threat to Artist Badiucao 強烈譴責中共政府向巴丟草作人身恐嚇

We strongly condemn the Chinese Government's safety threat to artist Badiucao
Statement by Free Expression Week ‘Badiucao’ Art Exhibition

We are sorry to announce that the exhibition “Gongle,” by Chinese artist Badiucao, has been cancelled out of safety concerns.
The decision follows threats made by the Chinese authorities relating to the artist. Whilst the organisers value freedom of expression, the safety of our partners remains a major concern.
We regret having to make this decision, and hope there will be a chance for public to see Badiucao’s work in future.
Other Free Expression Week events will continue as normal.

Media coverage 傳媒報導

ABC News





The Japan Times


Human Rights Activists Welcome Liu Xia’s release 維權人仕欣慰劉霞獲釋

Press Release 新聞稿

Toronto – July 11, 2017

TADC rally for the release of Liu Xia and Wang Quanzhang during 29th Anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre

Amnesty International Canada, PEN Canada and the Toronto Association for Democracy in China welcome news of Liu Xia’s release from China and commemorate the work of Liu Xiaobo on the first anniversary of his death on July 13, 2017. (more…)