Hong Kong’s First Visually Impaired Lawyer Seeks Refuge in Canada

Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) announced today that Joy Luk, one of the key figures during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, has arrived safely in Canada.
《多倫多支持中國民運會》向大家發佈一個消息,於 2019 年義無反顧地支持香港反送中運動的陸耀輝小姐 (Joy Luk) 已經安全抵達加拿大。


Call for Former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin to Step Down from Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal

On Monday, December 13, 2021, the Hong Kong District Court sentenced eight prominent pro-democracy advocates to jail for unauthorized assembly on June 4, 2020 for the annual commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre.

Among them are Jimmy Lai, founder of the Apple Daily, Lee Cheuk Yan, chairperson of the Hong Kong Alliance, and Chow Hang Tung the association’s vice-chair. They face a jail term of 13, 14 and 12 months respectively for “incitement.”


Petition to Canadian Government to waive criminal inadmissibility of Hong Kong People convicted for political purposes

Many Hongkongers charged and convicted arbitrarily are criminally inadmissible for visas or immigration to Canada. As citizens and permanent residents in Canada, we can play an integral role in ensuring the safe arrival of Hongkongers into Canada.
眾多被無理檢控及定罪的香港人在刑事條例上都不能獲發加拿大移民或各項簽證。 我們作為加拿大公民及永久居民,在確保香港人能夠順利前往加拿大,都可以發揮不可或缺的群眾力量。


Open letter to Mayer Brown law firm RE: Pillar of Shame (with follow up)

We the undersigned, human rights and civil society organizations around the world, respectfully ask the Mayer Brown law firm to rescind their agreement to represent the University of Hong Kong in their attempt to remove the famous “Pillar of Shame’ sculpture from the university’s campus. The sculpture was created by Danish artist Jens Galschiøt in 1997 to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.


4th Anniversary of Liu Xiaobo Passing 劉曉波逝世四周年

Today, July 13 marks the 4th anniversary of Mr. Liu Xiaobo’s passing. The Liu Xiaobo Empty Chair statue in the front lawn of Amnesty International Canadian office reminds us of the powerful legacy that this giant of human rights, the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate  had left behind.
今天是劉曉波逝世四周年紀念日。多倫多支持中國民運會的代表專程前往位於渥太華國際特赦總部的《劉曉波空座椅紀念碑》前獻花,悼念這位至死為推動中國民主而奮鬥的諾貝爾和平獎得主,更藉此宣布本周日舉行「7.21 唔見人」快閃集會。
