Category: Interview
Power & Politics
“The emphasis was on the word ‘foreign’ … (but) many of these bad actors may not be foreigners. They’re Canadians; they may be native born Canadians. It doesn’t matter whether you’re immigrant or not,” said Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, on the Foreign Influence Transparency legislation.

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Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference
Winnie Ng, TADC Co-Chair, testified on Day 6 of Public Hearings together with members of other diaspora communities occurring. Her testimony starts at 6:49:54.

Power & Politics

“If we do have a public inquiry, which I recommend as well, it should be quick and done in the next two months so that we don’t drag it until the next election cycle,” said Cheuk Kwan, TADC Co-Chair.
Watch Power & Politics at 1:19:15
Hong Kong Free Press
Caught in the crossfire: Chinese diaspora bears brunt of Canada-Beijing tensions

Allegations of harassment have been described by rights activists and Canada’s ethnic minorities, and documented by Amnesty International in recent years.
Some have accused Chinese undercover agents or proxies of intimidating Chinese Canadians by vowing retribution against their relatives back home.
“What they do is they use family ties to China or Hong Kong to threaten you,” Cheuk Kwan, co-chair of the Toronto Association for Democracy in China, told AFP recently.
Kwan, clad in a black leather jacket, said this includes “death threats, verbal intimidation, or something as simple as saying: ‘We know where your parents live.’”
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加國華人民運組織高層 轟中國特務威脅中港家人 「我們知道你父母住哪裡」

CBC Power & Politics

Speaking at Power & Politics, Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, said that we should look forward to a desperately-needed foreign agent registry and to strengthening the tools for the law enforcement to break the cycle of Chinese interference.
Watch Power & Politics at 1:10:30