Outrageous and shameful arrests under the new Security Law is an intimidating tactic to suppress peaceful commemoration of Tiananmen Massacre


Media Release

Toronto / Vancouver / Calgary
Wednesday May 29, 2024

On May 28, 2024, Hong Kong police arrested six people, including activist Chow Hung-tung and her mother, for “exploiting an upcoming sensitive date” to “incite hatred against the central government and the Hong Kong government.” Their crime? Posting on Facebook page of remembrance of Tiananmen crackdown on June 4, 1989.

Toronto Association for Democracy in China [TADC], Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement [VSSDM] and Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary) [MDCC] jointly condemn this outrageous and shameful act.


Power & Politics

“The emphasis was on the word ‘foreign’ … (but) many of these bad actors may not be foreigners. They’re Canadians; they may be native born Canadians. It doesn’t matter whether you’re immigrant or not,” said Cheuk Kwan, TADC co-chair, on the Foreign Influence Transparency legislation.

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2023 T-shirt Order 認購 T-恤

六四34周年將至,多倫多支持中國民運會現正印制兩款設計精美、別具意義的 T-恤,讓大家出席六四活動之用。尺碼由 S 至 2XL 可供選購,每件建議捐款為 C$25,若可捐助更多,當然無任歡迎。你的捐助可以讓本會繼續與你同行,捍衛人權自由,支援香港民主運動,希望大家落力支持。

The 34th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre is soon upon us. TADC has prepared two types of beautifully designed and meaningful T-shirts for you to attend all the June 4 events. Sizes are available from S to 2XL. The suggested donation is C$25 per T-shirt and additional amount is highly appreciated. Your donation will keep TADC continue its operation to fight with you together for human rights and democracy, and for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. We encourage you to place an order and support our work.

毋忘六四 Never Forget 

毋忘六四 Never Forget 

為自由 8964Justice

為自由 8964Justice


與鄒幸彤一起書寫歷史 Write History Together with Chow Hang Tung


有關遞交詳情,請閱臉書專頁 小彤群抽會 貼文。

Whether it was in Hong Kong organized by HK Alliance or abroad by other organizations, if the documentary brings up your memory and feelings on your participation of June 4 memorial, TADC strongly encourage you to respond to Chow Hang Tung’s invitation to write history together.

For details to submit, see her posts at FB page ChowHangTungClub.