Newsletter Fall 2024 秋季通訊

TADC was busy in the past few months with many happenings, and remains busy organizing and coordinating events in the next few months. Our work will not be successful without your continued support and participation.

Canadian Premiere “Rather Be Ashes Than Dust”

紀錄片《寧化飛灰》導演劉健倫在香港從事電影及紀錄片拍攝近20年,亦為獨立記者。2019年香港反送中運動,他走遍大街小巷拍攝了無數抗爭場面。身處混亂和暴力現場,特別在地鐵車廂目睹警察粗暴毆打市民的一幕,令他不斷反思應否保持記者的專業及中立,抑或聽從內心呼喚向受害人伸出援手。劉健倫導演更會專程由英國前來多倫多,在放映完畢後與觀眾交流對談。紀錄片及放影會詳情請閱本會網頁,購票請用以下連結往 Eventbrite。

Director Alan Lau of the documentary Rather be Ashes than Dust has been working in the filming industry and as a freelance journalist in Hong Kong for 20 years. During the 2019 pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, he captured many protests with his video camera on the streets all over the city. At many chaotic and violent situations, particularly at the scene witnessing police brutality against citizens inside subway cars, he often questioned himself whether he should continue to hold a neutral stand as a professional journalist or follow his heart as an ordinary citizen to give a helping hand to those in distress. Director Alan Lau will meet the audience for Q&A after each screening. Please visit TADC web page for more information on the documentary and the screening, or follow the links below for tickets at Eventbrite.

Sat 2024-09-28 星期六
2:00 pm OCAD University

Sun 2024-09-29 星期日
2:00 pm UT Scarborough

Say No to CCP on China National Day

Prior to the China’s national day, TADC stands together with many like-minded organizations to say NO to Chinese Communist Party loud and clear

  • stop interference in our society, our government and our democracy
  • stop aggression in Canada and around the world
  • stop human right abuses to China’s own citizens and any citizens around the world


  • 停止干涉我們的社會、我們的政府和我們的民主機制
  • 停止挑釁加拿大和世界各國
  • 停止侵犯人權,包括中國公民和世界各地的任何公民

11:00am 2024-09-29
Toronto Chinese Consulate

Please see Facebook event for more information.

多倫多 X 倫敦同步連儂牆相片記錄展覽
Toronto X London Lennon Wall Photo Exhibit

繼2023年多倫多連儂牆相片記錄展覽後,今年[連儂牆 X MeMoGraph Free Art] 將會聯同英國倫敦有心人,合作展出部分連儂牆紀錄相片。是次兩地聯繫展覽旨在連接流散在地的兩地港人,展覽開幕當日,將有實時現場連線。詳情請參閱連儂牆臉書專頁

Following the Lennon Wall Photo Exhibit in 2023, this year’s exhibit will join force with the same one in London, UK. Both exhibits intend to unite Hong Kong diaspora community in each city. On the opening day, both exhibits will connect each other in real time. Please see Lennon Wall Facebook page for more information.

Toronto X London Opening event:
Sat 2024-09-21
Toronto – 13:00 EDT
London – 18:00 BST

240 Dundas St. West, Toronto
Opening hours (EDT):
2024-09-21, 12:00 – 21:00
2024-09-22, 11:00 – 19:00

Kupfer Gallery, 3 Scrutton St, London
Opening hours (BST):
2024-09-20, 12:00 – 20:00
2024-09-21, 12:00 – 20:00
2024-09-22, 12:00 – 19:00

Sunday 2024-09-29 星期日
11:00 am
Chinese Consulate
240 St George St, Toronto

A concert on humanity and freedom

Ricker Choi 與數位藝術家將於11月舉行一場名為《The People United》的音樂會,奏響反抗極權的樂章。音樂會將匯聚來自全球受壓迫者的聲音,從香港的街頭到烏克蘭的平原,從伊朗的動盪到中國的鬥爭,團結散居社區。請往 Ricker 個人網頁參閱音樂會詳情及購票方法。

Ricker Choi together will a few artists will be ringing music of defiance. From the streets of Hong Kong to the plains of Ukraine, from the turmoil of Iran to the struggle in China, this concert brings together the oppressed across the globe. For more information and on ticketing, please see Ricker’s web page.

Saturday 2024-11-02 星期六
7:00 pm

Meridian Arts Centre, George Weston Recital Hall,
5040 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M2N 6R8

35th Anniversary June 4 Tiananmen Massacre Candlelight Memorial

六四35週年燭光悼念晚會於6月1日舉行,得到超過二千人前來參與,今年市長鄒至蕙親臨致辭,亦有朱耀明牧師從台灣到來出席,更有韓裔合唱團四月夢演唱,Ricker Choi 及鄭敬基繼續落力支持。於6月4日中國領使館門前及香港經貿辦門前抗議活動,雖然當天為星期二,亦有數百人専誠抽空到場。六四前的5月26日,天安門學運領袖王丹及王軍濤與過百人同在約克大學民主女神像前獻花。民運會繼續持守宗旨,不容六四事實改寫及抹掉。請往本會臉書專頁圖片集重温各項集會情況。

The 35th Anniversary June 4 Tiananmen Massacre Candlelight Memorial was attended by more than 2000 on June 1. We are fortunate to have Mayor Olivia Chow and Rev Chu coming from Taiwan to speak during the event. We are also please to have performance by the April Dream choir. Ricker Choi and Joe Tay provided their continuous support year after year. On June 4, TADC also protested outside the Chinese Consulate and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office. Even on a Tuesday, we had hundreds of people voiced our demands to the Hong Kong and CCP governments. On May 26 prior to June 4, former Tiananmen student leader Dan Wang and Juntao Wang together with over one hundred supporters laid wreath to the Goddess of Democracy located in York University. TADC continues to uphold our mission in preserving and safeguarding the piece of history from being erased and rewritten. Please go to TADC Facebook photo albums to see the photos of each event.

7th Year Passing of Liu Xiaobo



On the anniversary of Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xaiobo’s death in 2017, Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) urged the Hong Kong government to grant Jimmy Lai a compassionate release for medical treatment. “Engraved on the memorial is a direct quote from Liu: Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights,” said Cheuk Kwan, the association’s co-chair. “It serves to remind us that Jimmy Lai’s Apple Daily was a beacon of freedom of the press, which can help reveal and protect the truth.” Winnie Ng, the association’s co-chair added, “Liu’s case is a strong reminder of what could happen to Jimmy Lai.“

TADC is organizing a petition to urge the Canadian government to take action with applying international pressure to the Hong Kong CCP government to release Lai and other political prisoners. The petition will also urge the Canadian government to review its policy to close down HKETO. Please stay tuned for announcement soon.

She’s In Jail Documentary Screenings



Filming an arrested human rights lawyer Chow Hang Tung under Hong Kong’s National Security Law, this documentary partly portrays a sharp decline in the rule of law in society. It also delves into Chow’s unwavering belief that fundamentally, the law should protect citizens. TADC arranged documentary screening at Toronto Metropolitan University and York University with full house at both locations. Please go to TADC Facebook photo albums to see the photos of each event.

Chow remains in prison on trumped-up charges under the National Security Law. TADC is organizing a petition to urge the Canadian government to take action applying international pressure to the Hong Kong CCP government to release Chow and other political prisoners. The petition will also urge the Canadian government to review its policy to close down HKETO. Please stay tuned for announcement soon.

Condemn Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation


The Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) strongly condemns Hong Kong government’s Article 23 of the Basic Law – a law that allows the government to arbitrarily criminalize subversion, secession, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces. On that day in bitter cold, hundreds of supporters joined TADC calling on the Canadian government as well as nations of the free world to censure Hong Kong and its Chinese masters for their continuing and increasing repression of the people of Hong Kong. Please go to TADC Facebook photo album to see the photos of the event.

Testimony at Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference

民運會透過兩位共同主席吳温温及關卓中積極參與調查外國干預的公聽會。吳温温於聽証會第六日與其他流散社區人士分別作証。請大家往本會網頁重温她的証詞及 CBC 的採訪。

Through both Co-Chairs Winnie Ng and Cheuk Kwan, TADC is actively participating in the Foreign Interference public inquiry. Winnie testified on Day 6 of Public Hearings together with members of other diaspora communities occurring. Please see TADC web page to review her testimony and her CBC interview.