The documentary Rather Be Ashes Than Dust comes to Toronto for its Canadian premiere at the end of September for two screenings. First screening will be held at OCAD University on Sep 28 and second screening at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus on Sep 29. Director Alan Lau will meet the audience for Q&A after each screening. Tickets and details are at Eventbrite.
紀錄片《寧化飛灰》加拿大首影在多倫多放映兩場,第一場於9月28日在安省藝術及設計大學 (OCAD University) 舉行,第二場於9月29日在多倫多大學士嘉堡校園舉行。劉健倫導演更會專程由英國前來多倫多,在放映完畢後與觀眾交流對談。詳情及購票請往 Eventbrite 綱站。
- English
- 中文
Journalists are trained to be objective. How about when working under an authoritarian regime while fearing for your life? Director Alan Lau of the documentary Rather be Ashes than Dust has been working in the filming industry and as a freelance journalist in Hong Kong for 20 years. During the 2019 pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, he captured many protests with his video camera on the streets all over the city. At many chaotic and violent situations, particularly at the scene witnessing police brutality against citizens inside subway cars, he often questioned himself whether he should continue to hold a neutral stand as a professional journalist or follow his heart as an ordinary citizen to give a helping hand to those in distress.
In 2020, a year into the protest movement, China imposed the National Security Law on Hong Kong, taking away its judicial independence and the many freedoms, including the freedom of expression, promised by the Joint Declaration when UK turned Hong Kong back to China in 1997. Many journalists had to face a difficult decision: go to prison, shut up, or leave?
This film takes the first-person approach to bring out issues that have not been discussed but yet very relevant to reporters on the grounds. When state-sanctioned violence against its citizens has gone out of hand and government is obviously not telling the truth, what is the role for journalists? When injustice is witnessed, should you continue to film as an observer or make a stand? By remaining silent, have you become an accomplice to the perpetrators? If the situation has become life-threatening, should you continue to film?
Almost half a year after his soul kept pondering these questions repeatedly at every protest site, Lau was full of guilt and suffered from PTSD. He had no choice but left Hong Kong to UK in 2021. Inspired by the courage of the young people in Hong Kong fighting for freedom, human rights and justice, he spent year and a half to turn thousand hours of video footage into this 2-hour documentary. This film takes the audience back to the scene of the protests from the viewpoint of a journalist at the frontline. Hong Kongers are now being silenced and many of them have lost their freedom. It is a proof of their sacrifices, a piece of history that cannot be denied or rewritten.
Rather Be Ashes Than Dust has premiered in film festivals in Korea, New Zealand and Sweden with full houses and numerous praises. TADC now brings it to Toronto for its Canadian premiere at the end of September for two screenings. Director Alan Lau will make a trip from the UK to meet the audience in person for Q&A after each screening. The first screening will be held at OCAD University, supported by the “Digital Futures” program at the University. The second one will be at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus, supported by the Canada-Hong Hong Library at UT St George. With screening expenses partially sponsored, tickets are pay-as-you-can-afford to encourage more to attend. Proceeds from tickets in excess of screening expenses will support the production cost of the documentary.
The documentary has English narration and subtitles. Tickets and details are at Eventbrite.
Media Coverage
‘Rather Be Ashes Than Dust’ is a haunting elegy for Hong Kong
United Press International, Oct 2023
Must-Watch Documentary: 2019 Hong Kong Riots Raw Footage Transformed into a Powerful Film
Asia Media Centre, July 2023
在專制政權下工作,更要擔心自己的生命安全, 受過專業訓練的記者應如何自處?紀錄片《寧化飛灰》導演劉健倫在香港從事電影及紀錄片拍攝近20年,亦為獨立記者。2019年香港反送中運動,他走遍大街小巷拍攝了無數抗爭場面。身處混亂和暴力現場,特別在地鐵車廂目睹警察粗暴毆打市民的一幕,令他不斷反思應否保持記者的專業及中立,抑或聽從內心呼喚向受害人伸出援手。
紀錄片在韓國、紐西蘭和瑞典的電影節首映時均座無虛席,大獲好評。本會現已安排《寧化飛灰》於九月底進行加拿大首映,在多倫多放映兩場,劉健倫導演更會專程由英國前來多倫多,在放映會與觀眾交流對談。第一場在市中心安省藝術及設計大學 (OCAD University) 舉行,得到該校的「數碼未來」課程 (Digital Futures) 贊助。第二場在多倫多大學士嘉堡校園舉行,得到多大的「利澤銘典宬」贊助。由於部份放映會開支獲得贊助,兩場門票均自由定價,讓更多人可以入場觀看,門票收益扣除開支後用作支持紀錄片的製作費。詳情及購票請往 Eventbrite 綱站。
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Screening Times and Locations
2pm Sat Sep 28
Auditorium, OCAD University
MCA190, 100 McCaul St
Tickets at
2pm Sun Sep 29
Instruction Centre, UT Scarborough
IC130, 1095 Military Trail
Tickets at