100 Years of Oppression 神州百年染血

Thursday 2021-07-01 星期四
1:30 pm Grange Park, Toronto
March to Chinese Consulate

In the 100th year of Chinese Communist Party, the land has been bloody, truth is ugly, all of us are angry!

2021年7月1日,適逢中國共產黨建黨100年,西藏、東突厥、香港、台灣、越南、緬甸、中國、散居各地的華人,以及其他群裔社群聚首一堂,向中共齊聲抗議。我等先在1:30於固連治公園(Grange Park)聚義,再齊齊操往中國領事館,問候習近平娘親!加拿大身為北約成員國、五眼聯盟國、G7成員,是自由世界的翹楚,絕無可能與扼殺言論自由、滿手血腥的中共為伍。
On 1st of July, 2021, the 100th anniversary of CCP, communities from Tibet, East Turkistan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Myanmar, China and local Canadians join together, and denounce Xi Jinping! We shall meet at 1:30 at Grange Park, and rally to Chinese Consulate. As a member of Five Eyes, as well as NATO and G7, Canada is a proud member in the free world. It is inappropriate for Canada to continue business as usual with this dictatorship government that has been suppressing the freedom of speech, massacring the people living on the land they had invaded.

This activity is cross race and cross community, which shows our solidarity to give pressure to our government. We urge Canada to have back bone, stand up to the dictatorship and defend our core values!

We also urge Canada to boycott the Winter Olympics, to show that the free world will say no to CCP!