Global Day of Action 全球行動日

Date 日期:Wed 2021-06-23 星期三
Time 時間:2:00 pm
Place 地點:Toronto Nathan Phillips Square 多市彌敦菲臘廣場
Route 行程:North on Bay 向北行, East on Dundas 向東行, South on Yonge to COC Office 向南行至加拿大奥委會辦公室


6月23日為【國際奧運日】,世界各地眾多組織將聯合行動,於當日分別舉辦【全球行動日】,一同呼籲抵制 2022 年北京冬季奧運會。中共加諸於西藏人、維吾爾人、南蒙古人、台灣人和香港人種種違反人權以至種族滅絕的行為,絕不符合舉辦奧運會所要求的道德標準。繼續於北京舉行冬奥是默許中共政府的威權手段,也削弱一眾社羣反抗中共壓迫的聲音。

多倫多集會將於星期三下午 2 點在市中心彌敦菲臘廣場舉行,隨後遊行到央街 250 號的加拿大奧委會辦公室外抗議。由於疫情關係,大家參與抗議活動時必須保持社交距離及戴上口罩。 活動得到省議員 Bhutila Karpoche 、倡導維護人權的退休參議員 Con Di Nino、及前國會議員 David Kilgour 參與支持。活動由加拿大多個省市不同族裔團體聯合主辦,詳情請參閱臉書活動

讓加拿大帶領全球,抵制 2022 北京冬奥 。 #BoycottBeijing2022

Global Day of Action — Boycott 2022 Beijing Olympics

June 23 is the International Olympic Day. On that day, numerous advocacy organizations around the world will work in solidarity to host the Global Day of Action, calling for boycott of the Beijing Olympics 2022. On account of China’s extensive human rights violations and the genocides against Tibetans, Uyghurs, Southern Mongolians, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers, China does not meet the ethical standards required to host the Games. Allowing China to host the 2022 Olympics undermines the struggle of the above groups to resist the Chinese government’s authoritarian policies.

For the Toronto action, the protest will begin at 2pm at Nathans Phillips Square, followed by a march to the Canada Olympic Committee office at 250 Yonge Street. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the protest will take place in person with adequate safety protocols enforced to ensure proper social distancing. The event will include words of support from MPP Bhutila Karpoche, retired Senator Con Di Nino and former MP David Kilgour. This event is organized by a cross-Canada coalition including TADC. Details can be found at our Facebook event page.

Canada, now is the time to step up as a global leader and to #BoycottBeijing2022.