Where is Dong Guangping 董廣平在哪裡

Disappeared Chinese human rights defender must be allowed to reunite with his family in Canada


After 31 months in hiding in Vietnam, on August 24, 2022 Chinese human rights defender Dong Guangping was arrested by Vietnamese police.  There has been no news of his fate since then. His wife and daughter, who live in Toronto, are fearful that he has been handed over to Chinese authorities. In China he would face a grave risk of once again being jailed for his human rights activism. He has previously served three prison terms there, simply because he believes in human rights and refuses to remain silent in the face of grave violations in the country.

Dong Guangping had been recognized by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and accepted for resettlement to Canada as a refugee in 2015. He was in Thailand with his wife and daughter at that time. However, Thai police unlawfully handed him over to Chinese authorities before he was able to travel to Canada. 

He was sentenced to 3 ½ years in prison in China. After he was released in 2019, Dong Guangping wanted to reunite with his wife and daughter in Canada. However, as China refused to issue him a passport, he was not allowed to leave the country through official channels. He first tried unsuccessfully to reach safety by swimming to a nearby Taiwanese island. In January 2020, he clandestinely crossed the border into Vietnam.

With backing from the Canadian government, Dong Guangping and his family had been hopeful that he would soon be allowed by Vietnamese officials to leave the country and travel to Canada. His arrest was unexpected and his subsequent disappearance has come as a crushing blow.

Deliver Appeal Letter to the Embassies

On Thursday Nov 17, 2022, Katherine Dong, Dong Guangping’s daughter, will hold a press conference in Ottawa at 10:00 am. Afterward, she will go to the Chinese and Vietnamese Embassies and seek to deliver a personal appeal letter to those countries’ ambassadors to Canada.

  • 11:00 am at Vietnamese Embassy
    55 MacKay St, Ottawa, ON K1M 2B2
  • 11:30 am at Chinese Embassy
    515 St. Patrick St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3

Express Your Concern to the Embassies

Please write, phone or send an email to Vietnam’s and China’s Ambassadors to Canada:

  • expressing your concern about Dong Guangping’s arrest in Vietnam on August 24, 2022 and the fact that there has been no news of his whereabouts or wellbeing since then;
  • asking them to immediately disclose where Dong Guangping is at this time and that Canadian officials be granted access to him; and
  • requesting that Dong Guangping be allowed to travel to Canada without any further delay, to join his wife and daughter.

His Excellency Cong Peiwu
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Canada

515 St. Patrick Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5H3

Tel: 613-789-3434

Email: [email protected]

His Excellency Pham Cao Phong
Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Canada

55 Mackay Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1M 2B2

Tel: 613-236-0772

Email: [email protected]

Media Coverage

Advocates make plea for whereabouts of missing Chinese human rights defender CPAC Live Stream on YouTube

‘Please tell me where my father is’: Toronto woman seeks release of Chinese human rights activist detained in Vietnam Toronto Star

‘I fear the worst’: Canadian says missing father may be in Chinese custody for speaking out CTV News

China may have activist whose family has asylum in Canada CTV National News

Canadian woman fears father is in Chinese custody for speaking out on human rights National Post

Chinese human-rights activist accepted as refugee by Canada has gone missing Globe and Mail

維權人士董廣平失蹤數月 家人促請渥京施壓中國及越南放人 星島日報

人權衛士董廣平女兒擔心父親被中共拘留 大紀元時報

大陸人權衛士董廣平失蹤 加國親友呼緊急營救 大紀元時報


中國人權鬥士董廣平在越南躲藏了 31 個月後,於 2022年8月24日被越南警方逮捕。從那天起,他就音訊全無。已移居多倫多的妻子和女兒擔心他已被移交給中國當局,面臨因其維權活動而再次入獄的嚴重風險。逃離前他曾在中國被關進牢獄三次,只因他相信天賦人權,在被嚴重侵犯自身人權的情況下仍然拒絕保持沉默。


在中國他被判監 3年半。 2019年出獄後,妻女已經移居加拿大,董廣平當然希望能與她們團聚。由於中國拒絕向他簽發護照,令他不能通過官方渠道離境。於是他首先嘗試游泳到不遠的台灣,可惜沒有成功。 他再於 2020年1月偷偷越境,成功進入越南。



2022年11月17日星期四,董廣平的女兒 Katherine 將於上午10:00在渥太華舉行新聞發布會。其後她將前往中國和越南大使館,向兩國駐加拿大大使遞交請願信。

  • 11:00 am 於越南大使館
     55 MacKay St, Ottawa, ON K1M 2B2
  • 11:30 am 於中國大使館
     515 St. Patrick St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3



  • 對董廣平於 2022年8月24日在越南被捕及其後一直沒有他的下落和狀况表示關注、
  • 要求立即披露董廣平此時身在何處,並容許加拿大官員前往與他會面、及
  • 要求批淮董廣平可以立即前往加拿大,與妻子和女兒團聚。


中国人权斗士董广平在越南躲藏了 31 个月后,于 2022年8月24日被越南警方逮捕。从那天起,他就音讯全无。已移居多伦多的妻子和女儿担心他已被移交给中国当局,面临因其维权活动而再次入狱的严重风险。逃离前他曾在中国被关进牢狱三次,只因他相信天赋人权,在被严重侵犯自身人权的情况下仍然拒绝保持沉默。


在中国他被判监 3年半。 2019年出狱后,妻女已经移居加拿大,董广平当然希望能与她们团聚。由于中国拒绝向他签发护照,令他不能通过官方渠道离境。于是他首先尝试游泳到不远的台湾,可惜没有成功。他再于 2020年1月偷偷越境,成功进入越南。



2022年11月17日星期四,董广平的女儿 Katherine 将于上午10:00在渥太华举行新闻发布会。其后她将前往中国和越南大使馆,向两国驻加拿大大使递交请愿信。

  • 11:00 am 于越南大使馆
    55 MacKay St, Ottawa, ON K1M 2B2
  • 11:30 am 于中国大使馆
    515 St. Patrick St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3



  • 对董广平于 2022年8月24日在越南被捕及其后一直没有他的下落和状况表示关注、
  • 要求立即披露董广平此时身在何处,并容许加拿大官员前往与他会面、及
  • 要求批淮董广平可以立即前往加拿大,与妻子和女儿团聚。