As a human rights organization founded in May 1989 in support of the student protests in Tiananmen Square, we have been a strong advocate for human rights and democracy in Hong Kong and China for the past thirty-three years. We have never wavered from taking principled stance against injustices and at the same time, as Canadians, we fully embrace and safeguard the universal core values of freedom, democracy, dignity and justice for all. Whether the suppression and human rights violations from Chinese Communist Part is in Tibet, the Uyghur region, or Hong Kong, the above quote of Dr. Martin Luther King rings true. It is in the same vein that we express our solidarity to the protest actions erupted spontaneously throughout China in the last few days. We strongly encourage you as our friends and supporters to attend the upcoming events against the CCP regime in solidarity.
本會為支持天安門學生運動而於 1989 年 5 月成立的人權組織。過去 33 年,我們一直大力倡導香港及中國的人權和民主,對抗不公義的原則和立場從未動搖。與此同時,作為加拿大人,我們完全擁護並捍衛世人享有自由、民主、尊嚴和正義的普世價值。中共的極權鎮壓和侵犯人權無論是在西藏、維吾爾地區還是在香港,馬丁路德金博士的警世格言都同樣響起。對最近幾天在中國各地爆發的自發抗議行動,我們當然表示聲援。本會鼓勵各界友好及支持者一同參與即將舉行的各項活動,團結一致,無分你我地對準中共政權。
In this issue 本期目錄
- Solidarity Rally for Democracy in China (Dec 3)
民主歌曲聲援會 (12月3日) - Rally on International Human Rights Day (Dec 10)
國際人權日集會(12月10日) - Solidarity Statement on Protests in China
有關中國各地抗議活動的聯合聲明 - Where is Dong Guangping?
Solidarity Rally for Democracy in China
The rally is organized by the Toronto-based youth activist group, Assembly of Citizens. They have prepared music to support the democratic movement in China.
Date: Saturday December 3, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Grange Park, Toronto (behind Art Gallery)
Rally on International Human Rights Day
Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all
TADC is one of the 10 groups organizing this protest action to mark this landmark day. On December 10, 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaiming the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Please show up and stand together to say No to totalitarian and dictatorship.
For up-to-date details, please see FB event.
本會是組織這次活動的十個團體之一,紀念這別具重要意義的一天。 1948 年 12 月 10 日,聯合國通過了《世界人權宣言》,宣布每個生而為人都享有不可剝奪的權利——不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、語言、政治或其他見解、民族或社會出身、財產、出生或其他身份。
Date: Saturday December 10, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm
Place: Toronto Old City Hall, 60 Queen St W
International Hong Kong Solidarity Statement in Light of Recent Protests Against the CCP
Along with 53 other HK human rights groups, TADC has also signed on the following statement. Below is the full text and a very impressive list of groups across the globe for your reference. |
As Hongkongers who strive for democratic rights and civil liberties for our people, we stand with our friends demanding freedom and justice from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We know well the courage and sacrifice required to oppose the CCP. We support you in any way we can and we call on all those in our communities to rise up together.
The CCP’s horrific Zero-COVID policy has claimed the lives of mostly Uyghur civilians trapped in an apartment building that burned up on November 24 in Ürümchi. Earlier this month, Zhengzhou Foxconn factory workers were shown to be trapped in lockdown, in forced labor conditions without access to basic necessities. Both events have demonstrated the CCP’s antipathy toward the most marginalized in society, and sparked intense protests across the country. The struggle against the CCP is taking on new fronts, especially with the Sitong Bridge protest of the 20th Party Congress. Cross-border solidarity is more vital than ever, and we must work together to harness this unprecedented energy as people around the world activate for change.
In 2019, as Hongkongers took to the streets, we said: Be Water. The power of millions of individuals rising up, from different walks of life, with conscience and conviction will never go unanswered.
In solidarity,
AfricaHongKongFrance — [FB/IG: AfricaHongKongFrance, Twt: ahkf2020]
Adelaide – Stand with Hong Kong — [Twt/IG/FB: @adlswhk]
Alliance Canada Hong Kong – [IG/FB/Twt: @alliancecanhk]
Association of Hong Kongers in Western Australia — [FB: @AoHKiWA]
Australia Capital Hong Kong Association
Borderless Movement — [FB: @borderlessmovementhk]
Befria Hongkong — [Twt: @BefriaHongKong, FB: LibrateBefriaHK]
Canada-Hong Kong Link — [FB: @CHKLink, Twt/IG: @chkl2047]
Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong 芝援香港 (CSHK) — [IG: @chicagohker]
Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation (CFHKFoundation) — [Twt: @thecfhk, FB: The Committee For Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation, LinkedIn: The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation]
Cornell Society for the Promotion of East Asian Liberty (SPEAL) — [IG: @speal_cornell]
Frankfurt stands with Hong Kong — [FB: Frankfurt stands with Hong Kong, Twt: FRA_wth_hk
Germany Stands with Hong Kong (GSWHK) — [IG: @germanystandswithhk]
HK_Connect_UK, United Kingdom — [Twt: @HK_Connect_UK]
Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley (HKAAB) — [IG/FB/Twt: @hkaaberk]
Hong Kong Committee in Norway — [IG/FB: @standwithhk.norway, Twt: @hkc_no]
Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Association at the University of Washington (HKDHRA@UW) — [IG/TG/Twt: @hkdhra_uw]
Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) — [FB: HKDC – Hong Kong Democracy Council US, Twt: @hkdc_us, IG:]
Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles — [FB: @HKFLA, IG: @hk_forum.losangeles]
Hong Kong International Alliance Brisbane, Australia — [FB/IG/Twt: HKIA Brisbane]
Hong Kong Professional Network, US
Hong Kong Rule of Law Monitor 香港法治監察 — [Twt: @HKRLM_ORG; FB: @HKRLM]
Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston, Boston — FB/IG: @hksamboston]
Hong Kong Student Advocacy Group at NYU (HKSAG-NYU) — [IG/FB/Twt: @nyuhksag]
Hong Kong Watch — [IG: @hongkongwatchorg, Twt: @hk_watch]
Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. — [FB: @hkerinde, IG: @hongkongersingermany, Twt: @HongkongerV]
Hongkongers at McGill — [IG/Twt: @hk_mcgill]
Hong Kongers in San Diego [IG: hkersinsd, FB/ MeWe: Hong Kongers in San Diego]
Hongkongers in San Francisco Bay Area — [FB: HKersSanFranciscoBayArea, IG/Twt: HKSFBayArea]
Le Comité pour la Liberté à Hong-Kong — [FB/IG: solidaritywithhk, Twt: solidarityhk]
Lion Rock Café (LRC) — [Twt: @lionrockcafe, IG:]Lausan 流傘 Collective — [IG/Twt/FB: @lausanhk]
Netherlands for Hong Kong (NL4HK) — [FB: @nl4hk, Twt/IG: @nlforhk]
New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong (NY4HK) — [IG/Twt: @ny4hk]
Northern California Hong Kong Club — [FB: @ncal.hkclub, Twt: @NorCalHK]
Penn State Students For Hong Kong — [IG: @pennstate_students4hk]
PL4HK – Supporting Hong Kong from Poland — [FB/IG: @pl4hk]
Power to Hongkongers 香港思源 –– [FB: PowertoHongkongers; TG: PowerToHKers; IG: @power_to_hongkongers; Twt: @PTHK_HongKong]
Saskatchewan stands with Hong Kong — [FB: Saskatchewan stands with Hong Kong]
San Diegans Supporting Hong Kong (SD4HK) — [IG: @sd4hk]
SEArious For HKG 西雅圖香港民主監察小組 — [FB/IG/Twt: @seariousforhkg]
Students for Hong Kong (S4HK) — [IG/Twt: @students4hk]
Texans Supporting Hong Kong — [FB/IG: @txforhk, Twt: @tx4hk]
The Mustard Seeds Hong Kong Concern GroupUCSD Hong Kong Cultural Society (UCSDHKCS) — [IG: @ucsdhkcs]
UIUC Stand with Hong Kong (UIUCSWHK) — [IG: @uiucswhk]
University of Waterloo Alumni for Hong Kong (UWAHK) — [IG/FB: @uwalumforhk]
US Hongkongers Club — [FB/IG: @USHongKongersClub, Twt: @USHKersClub]
Washingtonians Supporting Hong Kong (DC4HK) — [Twt: @dc4_hk, IG/FB: @dc4hk]
We The Hongkongers –– [Twt: @wethehongkonger, IG/FB: @wethehongkongers]
Western Australian Association for Pan-Asian Democracy
Visual Artists Guild
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement — [FB: @vssdm]
Toronto Association for Democracy in China — [FB/Twt: @TADCToronto]
Torontonian HongKongers Action Group — [FB/IG: @thkag, Twt: @thkag_can]
Recent Media Interviews
In addition to co-signing the solidarity statement, Cheuk Kwan, TADC past chair and current spokesperson, gave three media interviews over the COVID protest, Indo-Pacific strategy, and China interference in our domestic affairs.
Global Radio 640 Alex Pierson show
CTV News Power Play
National Post New group with Beijing links to promote friendly candidates in Canadian elections
本會與各地53個香港人組織發出聯合聲明,全文如下,並詳列世界各地聯署組織的名單以供參考。 |
Where is Dong Guangping?
Canadian Daughter of Disappeared Chinese Human Rights Defender launches Personal Plea to Vietnamese and Chinese Government
On November 17,2022, TADC and Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) jointly held a media conference in House of Commons Media Gallery on the disappearance of Dong Guangping, the human rights defender who was persecuted for speaking out at the 10th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.
After 31 months in hiding in Vietnam, Chinese human rights defender Dong Guangping was arrested on August 24, 2022 by Vietnamese police. There has been no news of his fate since then. His wife and daughter, who live in Toronto, are fearful that he has been handed over to Chinese authorities and that he will once again be jailed for his human rights activism, as he has been three times in the past.
Dong Guangping had been accepted for resettlement to Canada as a refugee, but the Canadian government was not able to convince Vietnamese officials to allow him to leave Vietnam and travel to Canada.
Dong Guangping’s daughter, Katherine Dong, made a passionate and moving plea for the Vietnamese and Chinese governments to confirm his whereabouts and allow him to travel to Canada and be reunited with his family. After the press conference, we accompanied Katherine Dong to the Chinese and Vietnamese Embassies and delivered a personal appeal letter to those countries’ ambassadors to Canada.
The media conference was well covered by many mainstream media outlets.
Advocates make plea for whereabouts of missing Chinese human rights defender CPAC Live Stream on YouTube
‘Please tell me where my father is’: Toronto woman seeks release of Chinese human rights activist detained in Vietnam Toronto Star
‘I fear the worst’: Canadian says missing father may be in Chinese custody for speaking out CTV News
China may have activist whose family has asylum in Canada CTV National News
Canadian woman fears father is in Chinese custody for speaking out on human rights National Post
Chinese human-rights activist accepted as refugee by Canada has gone missing Globe and Mail
維權人士董廣平失蹤數月 家人促請渥京施壓中國及越南放人 星島日報
人權衛士董廣平女兒擔心父親被中共拘留 大紀元時報
大陸人權衛士董廣平失蹤 加國親友呼緊急營救 大紀元時報
Express Your Concern to the Embassies
Please write, phone or send an email to Vietnam’s and China’s Ambassadors to Canada:
- expressing your concern about Dong Guangping’s arrest in Vietnam on August 24, 2022 and the fact that there has been no news of his whereabouts or wellbeing since then;
- asking them to immediately disclose where Dong Guangping is at this time and that Canadian officials be granted access to him; and
- requesting that Dong Guangping be allowed to travel to Canada without any further delay, to join his wife and daughter.
His Excellency Cong Peiwu
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Canada
515 St. Patrick Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5H3
Tel: 613-789-3434
Email: [email protected]
His Excellency Pham Cao Phong
Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Canada
55 Mackay Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1M 2B2
Tel: 613-236-0772
Email: [email protected]
中國人權捍衛者失蹤數月 家屬要求能在加拿大團聚
在越南躲藏 31 個月後,中國人權捍衛者董廣平於 2022 年 8 月 24 日被越南警方逮捕。從那天起就音訊全無,沒有關於他下落的消息。他住在多倫多的妻子和女兒恐怕他會被移交給中國當局,擔心會因為他的維權活動而再次入獄,就像他過去三次入獄一樣。董廣平雖然已經獲准以難民身份定居加拿大,但加拿大政府無法說服越南官員允許他離開越南前往加拿大。
董廣平的女兒 Katherine 向越南和中國政府發出了憾動感人的請求,要求兩地政府能確認他的下落,並允許他前往加拿大與家人團聚。記者會結束後,我們 Katherine 一同前往中國和越南大使館,向兩國駐加拿大大使遞交了個人呼籲信。
- 對董廣平於 2022年8月24日在越南被捕及其後一直沒有他的下落和狀况表示關注、
- 要求立即披露董廣平此時身在何處,並容許加拿大官員前往與他會面、及
- 要求批淮董廣平可以立即前往加拿大,與妻子和女兒團聚。