3rd Anniversary of Liu Xiaobo Passing 劉曉波逝世三周年

July 13, 2020 marks the 3rd anniversary of the passing of Liu Xiaobo. The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, while imprisoned in China, was unable to attend the award ceremony in Oslo. The award was presented to an empty chair. To honor his unyielding belief on freedom of expression, TADC erected an Empty Chair statue at the front lawn of Amnesty International Canada headquarter in Ottawa last August. On that day, TADC together with Alliance Canada Hong Kong, and Amnesty International will pay our respect to Liu by presenting a wreath at the Empty Chair.

Lix Xiaobo Memorial in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Alliance at 8:00 pm local time will hold a “Liu Xiaobo 3rd Death Anniversary Memorial —— We are all Survivors : Remembering Liu Xiaobo in Hong Kong in 2020”. We’ll remember Liu Xiaobo through speeches, music and poetry. The memorial will go live on social media with details as follow:

Monday 2020-7-13 星期一
香港晚上 8:00 – 9:30 (Toronto AM)

Additionally, 13 people, many of them core members of HK Alliance, are being charged for illegally inciting others to knowingly participate in unauthorized assembly on June 4, 2020. They are scheduled to attend the court in the afternoon on the same date. It is everyone’s right to remember June 4 Tiananmen Massacre. HK Alliance will not be intimidated by such political persecution and suppression. Before attending the court, they will observe a moment of silence outside the court house at 2:00 to remember Liu Xiaobo.

Urging Canada to take action on Hong Kong

Taking effect only on July 1, 2020, the National Security Law has already created a profoundly devastating impact on the people of Hong Kong. Dissent, freedom of expression and the relative high level of autonomy enjoyed by its people, are being eroded in an unprecedented pace and scope. We applaud the leadership and our government’s immediate action in canceling the extradition treaty agreement between Canada and Hong Kong.  TADC has prepared a briefing notes and sent to Prime Minister and all Members of Parliament urging them to

  • 立即恢復加中關係委員會,並為香港舉行特別會議。
    Immediately resume the Canada-China Relations Committee and hold a special session on Hong Kong.
  • 大力倡導並牽頭推動全球聯盟監督香港。在聯合國內開展工作,包括於聯合國人權理事會發言,推動國際社會對中國不斷發生的侵犯人權行為採取強而有力的立場。
    Take the lead in facilitating a global coalition to monitor and act as a strong advocate for Hong Kong. Working within the UN system, including an adderss to the UN Human Rights Council, and push the international community to take a strong position against China’s continuous human rights violations.
  • 向香港人(尤其是在加拿大有家庭關係的人)開放臨時和永久居留計劃,以便他們在加拿大工作,學習和生活。
    Open up temporary and permanent residency programs to Hong Kong people—especially those who have family ties in Canada—to work, study and live in Canada.
  • 為參與民主運動的香港前線手足創建一個特別而迅速的難民計劃,類似於為1989年「六四」天安門大屠殺後為數千名逗留在加拿大的中國人創建的特別計劃。
    Create a special and expedited refugee program for Hong Kong activists involved in the pro-democracy movement, similar to the special program created for the thousands of Chinese Nationals present in Canada after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
  • 運用《馬格尼茨基法案》制裁香港和中國大陸有份直接或參與侵犯人權,鎮壓香港,西藏,維吾爾地區和中國境內的維權人仕的官員。
    Apply the Sergei Magnitsky Act to sanction officials from Hong Kong and China who are directly responsible for or complicit in human rights violations in the continued suppression of human rights activists in Hong Kong, Tibet, Uyghur Region and China.

Please send email to your MP with the briefing notes attached, urging them to consider implementing the above recommendations for Hong Kong.

Online Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Museum

「六四紀念館」自從2012年在香港建立,面臨重重打壓與騷擾,今天國安法已經壓在港人頭上,紀念館對珍貴歷史檔案與文物的保存實難為繼。香港支聯會現發起眾籌計劃為八九民運、「六四」屠殺死難者於互聯網建立一座永久保存的人權博物館。眾籌目標150萬港元並於8月2日達到,否則計劃將會告吹,而認捐金額原銀退還。眾籌至今已經接近完成一半目標,因此本會懇請大家立刻行動踴躍支持,讓計劃得已實現,以免將來歷史任人簒改。捐款平台是美國公司,但若閣下對直接捐款有任何疑慮,本會樂意接收款項,集合所有款項後用「多倫多仝人」名義全數捐予眾籌基金,使各善長的身份不會進入眾籌計劃內。眾籌詳情請參閱以下網頁,本會代收款項的垂詢可電郵至 [email protected]
Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2012, the June 4th Museum has again and again suffered pressure and harassment. Today when National Security Law has been imposed to the people of Hong Kong, the preservation of precious historical archives and relics faces many difficulties. The museum is having a crowdfunding campaign to build a permanent museum of human rights memory for the 1989 democratic movement to be available on the Internet. The goal is to raise HK$1.5 million by August 2 otherwise the project will be dissolved and your pledge refunded. By now the goal is almost half-completed. We urge you to take immediate action donating into the project to make it a reality, or we risk history being rewritten some time later. Crowdfunding platform is a US company. However, if you have concerns making donation directly, TADC is pleased to collect the donation from you. We’ll pass all collected donations into the fund under the name “A group of Torontonians” to keep donors completely disconnected from the fundraising project. For details on crowdfunding, please visit the web page indicated below. For questions about TADC collecting donations, please send email to us at [email protected]

眾籌網頁 Crowdfunding Page