Fill in the Google form to list out available resources
TADC is assisting Hong Kongers who are in critical needs to settle in Canada. We need a lot of support from the community to make our task possible. Your help is essential and highly appreciated.
Donate Resources 提供物資
If you have physical resources available, please fill in the form to let us keep a record. The form lists out what we are looking for. Note that we will not and cannot collect the items any time soon; we can only take them from you when we are in need of those items. Please keep them with you until we notify you to arrange pickup.
For questions on providing resources, please email to [email protected]
若您有物資可以提供,請填寫此表格,讓我們記錄下來。 表格上有列出我們需求的物資。請注意,您提供的物資我們不可能即時收集,請暫時保存下來。當用得着您可以提供的物品時,我們介時會與您聯絡,安排時間收取。
如有任何疑問請電郵至 [email protected]
Send Furniture Photos 傳上傢俱相片
If you have furniture available, please upload or email photos of the available pieces after you have submitted the form. The photos allow us to evaluate if the pieces are suitable.
Please click the link to upload photos of the furniture pieces. Note that you have to login to your Gmail account to upload and it can only take max of 10 photos. Alternatively or for number of photos beyond 10, please attach photos in email to [email protected]. Make sure to specify in the message the same name and email address mentioned in the form. This is important for us to match the photos to the information you have provided. Total size of email attachments is limited to 25MB. You may need to send the photos in separate messages.
請按此連結去上載傢俱照片,上載時必須登入你的 Gmail 戶口,並只可傳上 10 張照片。除此之外,亦可附加照片於電郵傳至 [email protected],郵件中務必寫上提交表格中您的名稱和電郵地址,好讓我們能把照片和您提交的資料作配對。電郵附件的總限額為 25MB, 您可能需要把照片經數件電郵分開發送。
Financial Assistance 經濟支援
If you and friends are able to make financial contribution to the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund, please send payment by eTransfer or PayPal to [email protected]. Using eTransfer is preferred as it avoids us paying 3% service fee to PayPal. Please see this web page for other ways to make contribution. The Fund is under the operation of TADC, which is a registered not-for-profit organization and unable to issue charitable donation receipts.
若果您及親友能向《多倫多香港人道援助基金》作經濟支持,請用 eTransfer 或 PayPal 捐款至 [email protected]。希望你能選用 eTransfer 捐款,免卻 PayPal 向我們收取 3% 手續費。其他捐款途徑請查閱此網頁。基金於「多倫多支持中國民運會」名下運作,本會為註冊非牟利團體,不能發出捐款退稅收據。