Today, July 13 marks the 4th anniversary of Mr. Liu Xiaobo’s passing. The Liu Xiaobo Empty Chair statue in the front lawn of Amnesty International Canadian office reminds us of the powerful legacy that this giant of human rights, the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate had left behind.
今天是劉曉波逝世四周年紀念日。多倫多支持中國民運會的代表專程前往位於渥太華國際特赦總部的《劉曉波空座椅紀念碑》前獻花,悼念這位至死為推動中國民主而奮鬥的諾貝爾和平獎得主,更藉此宣布本周日舉行「7.21 唔見人」快閃集會。
新上任的加拿大國際特赦秘書長 Ketty Nivyabandi 及剛退任不久的前秘書長 Alex Neve 也一同出席獻花,Ketty 表示:「豎立在國際特赦總部門前的劉曉波紀念碑不但永誌這位人權鬥士的不朽精神,更切實提醒我們在中國和香港日益惡劣的人權狀況!尤其是香港,在國安法實施僅僅一年,港府已在這個向以自由著稱的金融中心關柙了過百政治犯!」
Our media-spokesperson and former Chair, Cheuk Kwan was in Ottawa to present a wreath in a small ceremony of remembrance. He was joined by the current and immediate past Secretary Generals, Ketty Nivyabandi and Alex Neve. Both of them vowed to continue to speak out in solidarity with and in defense of the rights of those who face persecution for standing up for freedom and seeking the truth.
With the increasing suppression and crackdown of the Hong Kong Apple Daily, it is even more critical to safeguard the freedom of press. The great tribute we can pay Mr. Liu Xiaobo is to continue the struggle for freedom of expression and human rights in Hong Kong, China and across the world.
Please join us in a solidarity action in support of the Hong Kong Apple Daily on this coming Sunday July 18 in Markham outside Pacific Mall.