「612港人覺醒兩周年車隊遊行暨集會」於2021年6月12日在多倫多市中心舉行,與會者包括來自香港、西藏、緬甸和越裔人士。紀念活動是響應世界各地聯合發起「6.12全球聲援香港」,由加拿大新香港文化協會(New Hong Kong Cultural Club Canada)主辦,並有香港台(HongKonger Station)、灝玥社(Soteria Institute) 及本會協辦。集會在羅渣士中心對面的Roundhouse Park舉行,現場設有一個抗爭迷你展覽。出席者包括老中青人士,也有攜帶年幼子女的年輕家庭。其後參加者組成車隊在市中心遊行,途經士巴丹拿大道﹑布爾街﹑直達中國駐多倫多總領事館,然後經過皇后公園徑和皇后街,再回到Roundhouse Park。
June 12, 2019 was a watershed moment of the Hong Kong pro-democracy protest movement. With the excessive police violence and indiscriminate arrests of over 400 protesters, it was the awakening of Hong Kongers. As part of the global action marking the 2nd anniversary of Hong Kong 6.12, a car caravan rally was held in downtown Toronto on that day. The spirited rally was well attended by people of all ages and representatives from our human rights allied groups from Tibet, Myanmar and Vietnam. This Hong Kong 612 event was spearheaded by the New Hong Kong Cultural Club and co-organized by Hongkonger Station, Soteria Institute and TADC. The over 200-car caravan went up along Spadina, stopping at the Chinese Consulate to demonstrate our demands, then going through downtown before returning to the Roundhouse Park.
Go to Hongkonger Station to review memorable moments of the car rally.