International Human Rights Day Rally 國際人權日集會

  • English
  • 中文

2024 International Human Rights Day is on December 10. On Sunday December 8, 2024, there will be a rally organized by cross-cultural communities to condemn the human rights violation in China and abroad by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Members of the Canadian coalition, including Tibetans, Chinese, Hongkongers, Manchurian, Uyghur, Taiwanese and Vietnamese, will gather in solidarity in front of the Toronto Old City Hall to protest the CCP dictatorship.

The CCP has been responsible for horrific crimes against humanity, including the genocide against Tibetans, Uyghurs and Southern Mongolians, and the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong and China under the National Security Law. The CCP is a major threat to the world and in particular Canada through its pervasive infiltration, transnational repression and hostage diplomacy. Canada is a land that respects and promotes human rights, freedom and democracy. On the International Human Rights Day, we as Canadians are urging the Canadian government with our loudest voices to take a strong stance towards the CCP, a human rights violator not only in China but also in many countries around the world.

For up-to-date information, please see TADC Facebook event.

The rally is co-hosted by:





  • Assembly of Citizens 公民會
  • Canada Tibetan Association of Ontario 加拿大藏人協會-安省
  • Canada Hong Kong Link 港加聯
  • Democratic Party of China 中國民主黨
  • East Turkistan Association of Canada 加拿大東突厥斯坦協會
  • Federation of Democratic China – Canada 民主中國陣線
  • Manchuria New Era Alliance 滿洲新紀元聯盟
  • Regional Tibetan Youth Congress – Toronto 西藏青年地區議會 – 多倫多
  • Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會
  • Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada 加拿大台灣人權委員會
  • The Vietnamese Community of Greater Toronto Area 大多市越南裔社區