六四34周年將至,多倫多支持中國民運會現正印制兩款設計精美、別具意義的 T-恤,讓大家出席六四活動之用。尺碼由 S 至 2XL 可供選購,每件建議捐款為 C$25,若可捐助更多,當然無任歡迎。你的捐助可以讓本會繼續與你同行,捍衛人權自由,支援香港民主運動,希望大家落力支持。
The 34th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre is soon upon us. TADC has prepared two types of beautifully designed and meaningful T-shirts for you to attend all the June 4 events. Sizes are available from S to 2XL. The suggested donation is C$25 per T-shirt and additional amount is highly appreciated. Your donation will keep TADC continue its operation to fight with you together for human rights and democracy, and for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. We encourage you to place an order and support our work.
毋忘六四 Never Forget
為自由 8964Justice
T-Shirt Info T-恤資料
Gildan T-恤布料用美國棉紡織,於孟加拉或尼加拉瓜縫制,圖案於多倫多印制 。請參閱下圖有關各種尺碼的尺吋。
T-恤印制數量有限,尺碼 S 及 XL 只有少量,而 2XL 則更少。物品以訂單付款時間用先到先得方式分配,若所需尺碼售完而存貨許可,將以大一碼替代。
T-shirts are produced with limited quantity, especially for sizes S and XL and even less for 2XL. Items will be allocated on first-come-first-serve basis according to order payment times. If your requested size has run out, it will be substituted by one size larger if available.
Gildan T-shirt is made with US cotton and made in either Bangladesh or Nicaragua. Printing is done in Toronto. Please refer to the diagram for the measurements of each size.
留意 Notice
We have stopped distributing the T-shirts ourselves. Please place your order at web store CanHKer.ca.
領取地點 (不適用)
Pickup Locations (Not Applicable)
T-恤現以停止接受預購,請前往六四燭光晚會購買。亦可於「香港多得你」網店 https://canhker.ca 選購,網店可代為郵寄,但不保證郵遞可於6月4日前送抵。
T-shirt pre-order is no longer available. Please join us at the Candlelight vigil to get your shirts. You can also place your order at the web store https://CanHKer.ca which supports mail order. However, there is no guarantee for delivery to arrive before June 4.
1) Scarborough – Kennedy & 401
Outside LCBO 酒舖門外
21 William Kitchen Rd, Scarborough
Sunday 2023-05-21 星期日
11:00 am – 11:30 am
2) Richmond Hill – Hwy 7 & E Beaver Creek
Royal Bank parking lot 皇家銀行停車場
260 E Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill
Sunday 2023-05-21 星期日
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
3) Toronto – U of T
U of T Tiananmen Memorial 多大六四紀念碑
Hart House Circle
Sunday 2023-05-21 星期日
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm
4) Mississauga – Square One
Outside Starbucks Coffee 星巴克㗎啡店門外
189 Rathburn Rd W, Mississauga
Sunday 2023-05-21 星期日
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
5) 六四燭光晚會 June4 Candlelight Memorial
June 4 Concert for Democracy 為自由音樂晚會
Mel Lastman Square 北約克賴士文廣場
5100 Yonge St, North York
Sunday 2023-06-04 星期日
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Memorial starts at 7:00 pm 晚會開始