In Solidarity with HK – 與香港共同體
Dear friends,
My name is Winnie Ng. On behalf of the Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC, 多倫多支持中國民運會), I would like to extend our solidarity and support. Even though we have never met, we are very touched by your dedication and determination in defending the rights of Hong Kong citizens. I want to let you know that many Canadians are behind you and Hong Kong.
On July 17, TADC co-hosted a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto to commemorate Liu Xiaobo. We gave a speech condemning China for imprisoning dissenting voices. To my dismay, a few weeks later, I had to give two speeches, one in English and one in Chinese, in front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) in Toronto condemning the Hong Kong government for persecuting and imprisoning you and many other young activists, turning the most passionate hearts, dedicated minds, and conscientious souls in Hong Kong into political prisoners!
Here is part of what I said in my English speech:
“…The Hong Kong government under the clear instruction from Beijing has created the first generation of political prisoners in Hong Kong. To impose such a severe sentencing against students, young people who were exercising their right to assembly and freedom of speech is a blatant violation of the UN international covenant on Human Rights.
Establishing political prisoners in HK is also China’s blunt statement to the world that it deems the international agreement between China & UK on ‘one country, two systems’ null and void, and that the world should not expect China would honor any agreement when it does not suit its political interests and agenda.
The detention and harassment of Canadian journalist from the Globe and Mail, Nathan VanderKlippe on Aug 24, is the most recent incident of the violation of Freedom of Press. It is a clear display of China’s intimidation of the Canadian media – “how dare you report on how we treat minorities in China”.
As Canadians, we are very concerned about Canada’s deafening silence. For the sake of trade and economic growth, human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of press are easily disposable and expandable — pending on the might of the partnering country.
It’s up to us as citizens to hold our Canadian government accountable to the basic principles of democracy, rights and justice not only in Canada but also around the globe…”
And here is what I said in my Chinese speech:
而1949 年,台灣發生四六學潮,國民政府大規模逮捕學生,臺大校長傅斯年在軍警進校時,大力保護學生,他跟警備總司令所說的一句話:「若有學生流血,我要跟你拚命!」傳誦至今。
The fight for human rights, freedom and democracy has no border. You and your friends are the light and hope of our world, not just of Hong Kong. As a Canadian who is fortunate enough to live in a democratic country, I admire your courage, determination, and selfless sacrifice. It is people like you who will ensure a strong civic society that embraces human rights, freedom and democracy.
Finally, I would like to close with the two following quotes from Dr. Nelson Mandela, the Nobel Peace laureate who spent 27 years in prison for dreaming and fighting for a South Africa freed of apartheid:
“In my country you go to prison first and then you become the President.”
“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”
— Nelson Mandela
Take good care my dear friends and Dream on!
In peace and solidarity,
Winnie Ng
Chair, Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會