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In less than a week after the anointment of former Security Chief John Lee as the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, his pro-Beijing hard line stance began taking immediate actions to prove his loyalty. The arrests of Denise Ho, alongside the 90-year old Cardinal Joseph Zen, lawyer Margaret Ng and researcher Hui Po-keung is a signal of what will come next. It is paramount that we as Canadians push our government to apply sanctions on Hong Kong judges using the Magnitsky Act. The Toronto Star’s coverage on the arrest interviewed TADC past Chair and media spokesperson Cheuk Kwan.
Furthermore, a Hong Kong court ruled on May 11, the same day of the arrests, that the accusation of Hong Kong Alliance, the organizer of the city’s annual Tiananmen vigil, colluding with “foreign agents” will not be an unfair trial even if the accused has not been disclosed who the “foreign agents” are. Such a ruling is so outrageous and arbitrary. Without having to reveal a shred of evidence, the prosecution and the court can find anyone guilty under the National Security Law.
You don’t need more reasons than the above to attend this year’s June 4 activities. We need to show up and stand together against the suppression, the rewriting and erasing of the truth. Let us remember those who sacrificed their lives in Hong Kong and China for freedom and democracy, and let us speak out for those who are imprisoned, in exile or in hiding.
Remember Tiananmen Square • Remember Hong Kong
在前保安局局長李家超獲確認為香港特首後不到一星期,他就立即採取行動,開始以親北京強硬立場去證明他的忠誠。加籍歌手何韻詩、90 歲的榮休主教陳日君、大律師吳藹儀和學者許寶強一起被捕,預示著接下來的事態發展。作為加拿大人,我們必須推動政府使用馬格尼茨基法案對香港法官實施制裁。多倫多星報對是次拘捕的報導向本會發言人兼前任會長關卓中作採訪。
此外,香港法院於 5 月 11 日(即逮捕當天)裁定,對每年舉辦維園燭光晚會的香港支聯會勾結「外國代理人」的指控,即使未有向被告披露誰是「外國代理人」,審訊並沒有不公。無需透露一絲一毫的證據,控方和法院就可以根據《國家安全法》向任何人定罪,此等裁決是如此無恥和随意。
以上種種就足夠理由讓你親自參加今年 6 月 4 日的活動。我們必需要站出來反對獨裁專政、反對改寫以至抹殺真相。讓我們銘記那些在香港和中國為民主自由而犧牲的人,讓我們為那些被監禁、流亡或躲藏的人發聲。
燭光不滅 • 抗爭到底
In this issue 本期目錄
- Tiananmen Massacre 33 Years
天安門「六四」33 周年 - Wreath Laying to the Tiananmen Victims
向天安門死難者獻花 - Envisioning Global Hong Kong Studies: Possibilities, Politics and Praxis
- June 4 Memorial Museum in US
美國六四紀念館 - TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
Tiananmen Massacre 33 Years
天安門「六四」33 周年
Saturday June 4, 2022 | 6月4日星期六
Remember Tiananmen Square
Remember Hong Kong
燭光不滅 • 抗爭到底
7:00 pm – 240 St. George Street
中國駐多倫多領事館 Chinese Consulate
集會遊行 Rally + March
8:00 pm – University of Toronto
多大校園六四紀念碑 Hart House Circle
獻花及燭光悼念 Memorial
注意 NOTE:
University of Toronto is currently having construction at King’s Circle and Hart House Circle. When attending the function, please be extremely careful of the surroundings and with your steps, particularly after night’s fall.
Jointly Organized by 聯合主辨
Toronto Association for Democracy In China
The Federation for a Democratic China
Wreath Laying to the Tiananmen Victims
Sunday May 29, 2022 | 5月29日星期日
3:00 pm – York University
You are invited to join us at University of York to lay wreath at the Goddess of Democracy statue. Let us remember the victims at Tiananmen, as well as those who have lost their lives during the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.
Google Map to Goddess and parking at York University
Due to construction happening in University of Toronto and the memorial plague being fenced off, laying wreath at U of T will be cancelled this year. Candlelight Vigil will continue as announced.
Envisioning Global Hong Kong Studies: Possibilities, Politics and Praxis
Tuesday May 24, 2022 | 5月24日星期二
11:00 am – 1:00 pm (Toronto time)
The York Centre for Asian Research, York University, is pleased to host the Fifth Bernard H. K. Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong Kong Studies. Visit the web page at York U for more information and for registration to attend online or in-person.
Professor Ching Kwan Lee’s talk sketches three intellectual approaches to developing Hong Kong Studies as a globally relevant and significant field of knowledge. Using recent studies as examples, she illustrates the epistemic possibilities of construing (1) Hong Kong as a case, (2) Hong Kong outside in and (3) Hong Kong as global assemblage. As knowledge production is always and necessarily embedded in historical and social contexts, what kinds of politics and praxis express, enable, and repress this emerging field?
Vincent Wong
PhD Candidate, Osgoode Law School, York University
Winnie Ng
Chair Emeritus Unifor Sam Gindin Chair, Toronto Metropolitan (formerly Ryerson) University
Chairperson, Toronto Association for Democracy in China
June 4 Memorial Museum in US
截至2022年4月底,世界各地人士已經合共捐出超過 28萬美元。本會幹事聯同多倫多的有心人包括 Joy Luk 已集資向紀念館捐出 5千6百美元,希望大家都可以出一分力,達到 50萬美元的籌款目標,讓一個實體紀念館能平穩地運作。除金錢支援外,大家若有收藏關於六四的史料文物希望公之於世,可與紀念館聯絡安排捐出。紀念館更需要各項專長的義工群策群力,希望各位能大力给予各方面的支持。
In December 2021, Wang Dan, Yan Jiaqi, Su Xiaokang made the following announcement on establishing a June 4 Memorial Museum:
In 2021, 32 years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, China is still under the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party. The students and citizens who died in the blood shed in Tiananmen Square still cannot rest in peace. It is our firm believe that this piece of history written in blood will never be able to be covered up by any kind of words. This is the history about a group of enthusiastic students who wholeheartedly wish to reform China. The more CCP wants to erase this piece of history, the greater our responsibility to pass the facts to our next generations. We, a group of Chinese who shared a common goal, plan to build a museum on June 4 Massacre to be located in the United States. Today, a preparatory committee for the museum is formed.
As of end of April 2022, donations from around the world have exceeded US$280,000. TADC board members, along with other Torontonians including Joy Luk, have collectively donated US$5,600 to the Museum. We urge all of you to contribute towards the target of US$500,000, an amount that will allow the physical museum running. In addition to financial support, the Museum also welcomes any documents and artifacts relating to June 4. Please also consider volunteer your skills too.
The preparatory committee is busy working on the launch of preliminary exhibits in Washington, DC and in New Jersey. For more details on the Museum, please visit the web site or social media pages.
- 網址 Web Site 六四紀念館(籌備網) Preparatory Web Page
- 臉書 Facebook 王丹网站 Wang Dan’s Page
- 推特 Twitter 六四纪念馆 June 4th Memorial Museum
TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
You may have noticed the January announcement on the arrival of Joy Luk from Hong Kong into Toronto. Joy was the only visually impaired lawyer in Hong Kong. She was targeted and harassed by the police during the 2019 pro-democracy movement, and the situation has grown to become untenable to herself and her family. TADC, through the support from many like you, assisted her settlement in Toronto and her refugee application process. This is just one of the many cases TADC has assisted in the last few months, from assisting them to arrive in Canada, to settling into a space they can call home, arranging lawyers for their refugee applications, to referring job openings. It is a daunting task that we would not have been able to complete without community support from all grounds. It is to our dismay seeing the situation in Hong Kong keep deteriorating day by day, which makes our work more critical than ever before.
A big hurdle for the young ones to leave Hong Kong is to obtain eTA or other types of visa to enter Canada. Answering faithfully on their criminal records will almost certainly have their applications declined. TADC continues to lobby the Canadian government for IRCC frontline execution to uphold the spirit of the Hong Kong Pathway program. A joint letter cosigned by TADC, VSSDM and MDC (Calgary) was sent to Minister Fraser in March. Please express to MPs of your ridings your concerns about inadmissibility based on criminal “offenses” and your urge for a special application process to handle such extraordinary and pressing situation.
Please visit TADC web page for details about the Humanitarian Fund and ways to donate.
你可能已經留意到 1月份關於 Joy Luk 從香港抵達多倫多的消息。 Joy 是香港唯一的失明律師。她在 2019 年的反送中運動中遭到警察的針對和騷擾,這種情況變得難以想像,令她憂慮自身和家人的安全。民運會在許多如你一般熱心的人支持下,協助她在多倫多定居和申請難民。這只是本會在過去幾個月中協助的眾多案例之一,從幫助他們抵達加拿大,到在他們可以稱之為家的地方安頓下來、為他們的難民申請安排律師、轉介職位空缺等。這項艱鉅的任務,如果沒有來自各方的社區支持,我們必定無法完成。眼見當下香港局勢一天比一天惡化,在我們感到非常沮喪的同時,這個工作比以往任何時候更加重要。
年輕人離開香港的一大障礙是獲得 eTA 或其他類型的簽證進入加拿大。若如實地回答他們的犯罪記錄,幾乎可以肯定簽証申請將會被拒絕。民運會繼續遊說加拿大政府,要求移民局前線人員在執行上秉承香港救生艇政策的精神。本會聯同温支聯及卡加里民促會就此議題已於三月向移民部長費沙發出公開信。請你也向所屬選區的國會議員表達關注,告知你對有刑事「罪行」會被拒入境的要求的擔憂,及對能夠儘快提供特殊申請程序去處理此等獨特而迫切的情況的渴望。