經過月餘在醫院的治療,Joy Luk 陸耀輝律師已於6月16日出院。
With the dedication of medical staff, Joy Luk was discharged from the hospital on June 16. As the recovery process in the coming year is expected to be a heavy spending, Joy has made her plead for donations on social media. Various groups and individuals have responded with their own fundraising campaigns. TADC is the organization providing initial effort to assist Joy seeking political asylum and settling in Canada. We continue to assist her as described below.
陸律師自港抵加尋求政治庇護,期間的一切開支由《多倫多支持中國民運會》屬下的《多倫多香港人道援助基金》支付,包括出院後購買醫療床,與及康復期間安排並且支付日間及留宿醫護助理,提供 24 小時照顧。
陸律師正在籌組屬於她個人的後援會,暫名 ”Joy Luk Support Group” ,並準備成立社媒 Patreon 帳號。一旦正式確立,本會也會在網址及Facebook 專頁協助通知大家。
本會成立33 年來,注重清晰詳細的帳目簿記,除每年六四活動後,
With the dedication of medical staff, Joy Luk was discharged from the hospital on June 16. As the recovery process in the coming year is expected to be a heavy spending, Joy has made her plead for donations on social media. Various groups and individuals have responded with their own fundraising campaigns. TADC is the organization providing initial effort to assist Joy seeking political asylum and settling in Canada. We continue to assist her as described below.
Since Joy Luk’s arrival in Canada from Hong Kong to seek political asylum, TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund has paid for her living expenses. This includes a hospital-grade bed together with daytime and over-night personal support workers for 24-hour care arranged and paid for after her discharge from hospital.
Knowing there are plenty of Hong Kong youths seeking political asylum, it is imperative for the Fund to allocate resources effectively to help as many as possible. The Fund has no provision to provide fundraising effort for individuals. As well, the Fund will not be sufficient to meet individuals’ long-term needs. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the “TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund” from donations to individuals.
After the news on the arrival of Joy has broken out, a number of kind Samaritans have sent donations into the Fund designated to her. All such designated donations have been set aside in a separate account, with the amount specifically dedicated towards medical expenses already spent as instructed by donors. The amount in this account will be transferred to her upon her request, to be managed by her or her designated representative to cover her living expenses. TADC continues to assist Joy with all levels of government, community and international organizations within the scope of fighting for her rights and welfares.
At the same time, funds raised by groups or individuals will be handled by Joy herself outside of the above account, the Fund and TADC.
Joy is going to form a personal support group, tentatively called “Joy Luk Support Group”, and set up a Patreon account. Once her preparation is ready, TADC will help promote to everyone through our website and Facebook page.
TADC continues to assist Hong Kong youths arriving in Toronto to seek political asylum. The circumstances for each of them are different, but in general average settlement expenses (including rent and living expenses) total to about $1500-$2000 per person per month, for a duration of 3-6 months. This amount does not include expenses while in exile and costs of legal assistance not covered by legal aid.
TADC appeals to all of you, who love Hong Kong and enjoy freedom, to provide your generous support to the “TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund”. Your collective actions will certainly change the fate of many young people and make the world a better place to live! Please send your donations through Interac e-Transfer (from any Canadian bank) or PayPal (from anywhere in the world) to [email protected]. For other forms of donation and for details of the Fund, please visit TADC web page.