自由之籽帆布袋 Project R Tote Bag

Designed in Hong Kong, Made in Taiwan

TADC supporters in Toronto, do you want to own this bag? Please put your order into the Google form ASAP. We’ll inform you on payment and pickup locations soon. Items have arrived from Taiwan. As limited quantities are available, please reserve your share soon.

Project R 手足日以繼夜,夜以繼日趕工,台灣廠商已經完成加有”HONG KONG”的外地版並運扺多倫多。每個帆布袋附送精美產品特刊,由小黃書全力創作,介紹 自由之籽背後故事及理念。

In the last 6 months, Project R has worked tirelessly with a number of frontliners in Hong Kong to produce the tote bag and luggage tag. Each bag will come with a free booklet. This booklet is another Project R product The Yellow Guide HK which can be subscribed at Patreon. The items as shown in photo have now arrived from Taiwan.

香港首批貨已火速售罄。由於銷售收入開始穩定,Project R已增聘左更多手足,務求推出更多「香港設計,台灣製造」嘅優質產品。

The first batch has been sold out in Hong Kong in just a few days. Project R is now having a stable stream of revenue therefore has hired few more frontliners who are in need of employment. They will soon provide more high quality “Designed in Hong Kong, Made in Taiwan” products.

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