Joy Luk, the first and only blind solicitor in Hong Kong, arrived safely in Canada last December. Since then, she has well adjusted to the pace of Toronto, enjoying the first winter of snow. The bravery of Joy’s participation during the 2019 pro-democracy movement has been covered in an extensive interview with the Toronto Star at the end of January.
As a visiting scholar now with the School of Disability Studies, X (Ryerson) University, Joy has been busy doing guest lectures and engaging in rich conversations with students. Congratulations is also due to Joy on her latest appointment as an “Activist in Residence” with the Centre for Feminist Research, York University.
Two online public events are coming up where Joy will share her experiences and insights. TADC is the community partner for both. We strongly encourage you to attend.
- March 23, 2022 (Wed) 6 -7 pm (Toronto time) Zoom meeting link
Criminalizing Human Rights Defenders: Global Justice and the Case of Hong Kong
Speakers: Joy Luk and Prof. Jamie Liew, Faculty of Law, Ottawa University.
Hosted by the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security Studies, Osgoode Law School, York University - March 30, 2022, 12 noon to 1.30 pm (Toronto time)
Taking Action: Joy Luk on Disability, Democracy and Activism
Speakers: Joy Luk and Representative from RU Stand with HK
Organized by Unifor National Chair in Social Justice and Democracy, Jack Layton Chair and the School of Disability Studies, X (Ryerson) University- Join Zoom webinar with your name and email address, and post questions or comments online.
- Tune in to YouTube Live, and submit questions or comments online with your YouTube ID.
- Anonymous questions or comments can be submitted to the panel via in advance.
香港第一位也是唯一一位失明律師陸耀輝小姐已經於去年 12 月安全抵達加拿大。 這期間她逐步適應多倫多的生活節奏,感受人生首個雪花飛舞的冬季。 陸律師在 2019 年香港反送中運動中義無反顧地投身參與,在1月底《多倫多星報》及《星島日報》分别為她進行了深入的獨家專訪報導。
陸律師現於 X (懷雅遜)大學殘疾研究學院當訪問學者,正忙於以客席講師身份舉行講座並與學生深度交流對話。更要祝賀她最近被約克大學女權運動研究中心任命為該中心的倡議專家。