In this issue 本期目錄
- Oct 1 Rally calling to Resist CCP
10月1日跨族裔大集會、共同抵抗中共極權 - TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
多倫多香港人道援助基金 - Fundraising Sales
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Oct 1 Rally calling to Resist CCP
10:00 am | Sat Oct 1, 2022 | Chinese Consulate, 250 St George St, Toronto
October 1 is a day of mourning, the day in 1949 when China fell into the dictatorship of Chinese Communist Party. To date, thousands upon thousands of citizens have died from man-made atrocities, forced occupation, ethnic and cultural genocides. All citizens have been stripped of their rights and freedoms and many continue to suffer daily human rights abuses and political persecution.
The Global Day of Action to Resist CCP will be held on the national day of the People’s Replic of China.
This coming Saturday, come join the rally in Toronto with different ethnic and community groups who share the same goal to
End CCP Dictatorship! End Genocide! Protect Human Rights!
TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
In December 2020, we launched the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund to provide humanitarian assistance to people who arrived in Ontario after the long ordeal of fleeing the political persecution and prosecution in Hong Kong. Through the generous support from the community and many individuals like you, TADC has assisted more than 20 youths in resettling in Toronto.
We are very pleased to share with you that a few of these former protesters have been granted refugee status or their hearings scheduled. However, we are also acutely aware that there are still many who are either living in fear in Hong Kong or being stranded elsewhere outside Hong Kong. They are desperately trying to find a way to resettle here. Your continuous support to the Fund is vital to sustain our efforts. Your donation can make such a positive difference in giving someone a second chance in life.
No matter you are in Canada or anywhere around the world, please send your donation to the Humanitarian Fund using Interac e-Transfer or PayPal to [email protected] (or click this PayPal donation link). For other details or to send donation by cheque or money order, please see the web page. For those in Toronto who can provide physical resources such as lodging (short, mid or long term), furniture or household items, please email TADC directly to [email protected] or [email protected].
Please Support Joy Luk’s Patreon Account
In December 2021, Joy Luk, one of TADC’s assisted democracy activists arrived in Toronto. TADC express our sincere thanks to all the volunteers who have worked with us in supporting her during the transition – from arranging housing to refugee application process, from securing university positions to medical support, etc. Through your generous support and efforts, Joy has adjusted well and expanded her own social network. As the first and only blind lawyer in Hong Kong, she is determined to go after her goal of returning to her profession as a lawyer in Ontario. Joy has recently setup a Patreon Creator account. We encourage all to subscribe to know more about her and to show your support to her.
Fundraising Sales
Many are supporting the Humanitarian Fund through donating fundraising items. TADC is grateful to receive a donation of 5 copies of Cladestine In Hong Kong – The Unfinished Journey of The Vailiant, shipped from Taiwan by a Hongkonger in Japan. Selling at C$65 each for fundraising, the full amount will go to the Humanitarian Fund. Please fill in the form to reserve your copy on a first-come-first-serve basis. Copy will be arranged pick up at selected GTA locations, or mail to you with extra shipping fees. (Due to its sensitive content, the book will not mailed to address in Hong Kong to avoid any trouble to the recipient.) The book is written in Chinese. Please see description below.
In addition to this books, there are fundraising items on sale at web store with proceeds to benefit the Fund. Please order the items there to show your support.
- Revolution of Our Times Blu-ray or DVD (Canada and US only)
- Hong Kong Black Bauhinia Cap
- Pillar of Shame 10cm 3D print replica
- Foldable Umbrella
- “Seeds of Freedom” Tote Bag
- Ricker Painting Reprints
上午10點 | 10月1日星期六 | 中國領使館 250 St George St, Toronto
10月1日是一個哀傷的日子。1949年的這一天,中國落入中國共產黨獨裁統治之中。 在中共暴政之下至今,數十萬國民死於非命、家園被佔、種族清洗,所有國民的權利自由都被剝奪,侵犯人權、政治迫害的行為無日無之。
結束中共獨裁! 結束種族滅絕! 保護人權!
2020年12月,民運會宣布成立《多倫多香港人道援助基金》,為受到政治迫害而需要離開香港的人提供援助。 通過社區各界及大家協力同心的慷慨支持,本會已協助 20 多名年青人在多倫多定居。他們當中數位已經獲批難民身份或得到聽證會安排,這個喜訊確實值得與大家分享。但與此同時,部分已抵多倫多的人仍需耐心等候政治庇護的申請,且有更多的人還在香港及其他地方活在徬徨恐懼之中,苦苦尋求安全抵達加拿大的路徑。你們向基金會的支持,對於這些陷於困境的香港人都至關重要。
加拿大及世界各地的朋友請繼續捐款往人道援助基金,捐款請用 Interac e-Transfer 或 PayPal 轉賬至 [email protected] (或點撃此 PayPal 捐款傳送門),其他詳情或郵寄支票滙票請查閱基金網頁。多倫多的朋友若可提供物資如住宿(短、中或長期)、傢俱或家庭用品,請用電郵 [email protected] 或 [email protected] 直接與我們聯絡。
支持 Joy Luk 的 Patreon 帳户
去年12月,民運會協助的其中一位前線抗爭者 Joy Luk 陸耀輝安全抵達多倫多。從住房、難民申請,以至大學教席及醫療所需,民運會衷心感謝曾經與我們一起為她出力的每一位義工。透過大家的努力,她已經在這裏適應下來,擴闊了社交圈子。Joy 是香港的第一位亦是唯一一位失明律師,她現正朝着獲得安省律師資格的目標進發。Joy 最近開設了一個 Patreon 創作人帳戶。本會鼓勵大家註冊訂閱,向她多作了解,亦為她作出支持。
部份有心人以義賣去支持人道援助基金。民運會很高興收到一位身居日本的香港人從台灣寄來 5 本名為《香港秘密行動》的書,每本義賣價 C$65,售出收益不扣成本捐往人道援助基金。 請大家填妥表格認購,以先到先得方式售出,每人限購一本。書本會安排於大多市指定地點領取,亦可加上額外運費郵寄。(由於內容敏感,書刊不會寄往香港地址,以免收件人招惹麻煩。)
- 作者:楊威利修
- 出版社:獨眼科技傳媒
- 出版日期:2022/08
- 出版地:台灣
《香》之華文結集,原定二〇二二年二月於台灣出版,卻在印刷期間,台團隊受到不明人士恐嚇騷擾,計劃擱置暫停,部分團員亦因而被迫退出。最後書稿被「流亡海外」,由日本出版商草思社於二〇二二年六月底付梓首發,先推出日文翻譯版《香港秘密行動 「勇武派」10人の証言》;及後華文原版本,由台灣獨眼科技傳媒接手,於同年七月一日發行,正值為抗爭者攻入立法會大樓事件三週年。
除此書外,亦有數種籌款義賣物品於網店《香港多得你》出售,得益捐往基金。 請前往訂購物品以行動支持。