Fundraising Auction for Humanitarian Fund

TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
Fundraising Auction of Ricker Choi’s Paintings
Auction starts on Wednesday Dec 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm

拍賣 Ricker Choi 畫作
拍賣於2020年12月30日星期三正午12:00 開始

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相信大家在不同途徑已經欣賞過藝術家 Ricker Choi 關於這場香港抗爭運動的畫作,好評一致公認。Ricker 是一位多材多藝的藝術家,除了鋼琴演奏有非凡造藝之外,繪畫也別樹一格。不久前他複印數幅作品義賣,籌得數千元支援香港手足。他將一幅周庭的頭像畫作義賣,立刻獲得一家餐廳東主慷慨地以$2000元買下,承蒙他的熱心及對本會的支持,義賣得益扣除開支已捐予《多倫多香港人道援助基金》。

Ricker 現揀選以下五幅原創作品予本會公開拍賣,所得收益扣除開支亦同樣捐往人道援助基金。

  1. 【吻】
  2. 【拯救12港人】
  3. 【烈火戰車】
  4. 【中大保衛戰】
  5. 【獅子山】

所有畫作將於 2020年12月30日星期三正午12:00 公開網上拍賣,於 2021年1月13日正午12:00 結束。有興趣競投請前往「香港多得你」網店落標。拍賣開放予多倫多範圍及以外的所有地區,如有需要,網店可以將投得畫作代為速遞往世界各地。

拍賣開始前大家可往本會人道援助基金專頁觀看該五幅畫作,亦可前往 Ricker 個人網頁細心欣賞包括這五幅的所有作品。



TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund
Fundraising Auction of Ricker Choi’s Paintings
Auction starts on Wednesday Dec 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm

On December 22, 2020, Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) announced the establishment of the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund. The mission of the fund is to provide humanitarian assistance to people who fled or left Hong Kong to avoid political persecution. The initial scope of the fund will be to provide assistance to those who have arrived, or are arriving, in Ontario. These are predominantly underaged and young protesters who fled Hong Kong to escape persecution at home.

Many of the activists have escaped Hong Kong already. Some of them have intention to come to Canada but have been stranded in other countries due to the current border closure as a result of the global pandemic. Assistance to their settlement once they have arrived will be a long process. As such, the Fund has not set a fundraising target but to ask the community to contribute continuously at whatever way they can, both by monetary donation and by volunteering. The Fund will pull together all available resources to assist those in need.

You may have seen Ricker Choi’s paintings on the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement through various channels. Aside from being an accomplished pianist, Ricker is also a talented painter. Recently he made reprints of some of his paintings for fundraising sale and raised a few thousand dollars to benefit the Hong Kong activists. He also offered his painting on the portrait of Agnes Chow as a fundraising item to a restaurant owner for $2000. We are happy to announce that the net proceed of this sale has been donated to the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund.

Ricker is providing an additional 5 paintings for this fundraising auction in support of the TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund. Net proceeds after expenses will be donated to the Fund.

  1. Kiss
  2. Save 12 Hong Kong Youths
  3. Chariot of Fire
  4. Siege of Chinese University of Hong Kong
  5. Lion Rock

Auction of the paintings will start on Wednesday Dec 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm and end on Jan 13, 2021 at 12:00 pm. To place a bid, please visit the web store Bidding will be open to everyone in the Greater Toronto Area as well as outside the region. The store will courier the paintings to destinations world-wide upon request.

Before auction begins, the paintings can be viewed at TADC web page for the Humanitarian Fund. They are also available at Ricker’s personal web site within the collection of all his great work.

TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund web page