Candle Light Vigil for Liu Xiaobo 悼劉曉波蠋光追思會。營救維權律師

July 13 marks the first year of Liu Xiaobo passing away. His widow Liu Xia just regained her freedom. Let’s get together to remember his past, wish her well for a free life, and put pressure on China to free all being illegally retained. Please come join us in Toronto to strengthen the voices from many cities around the world.

Date: Friday July 13, 2018
Time: 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Location: U of T Hart House Circle June 4th Memorial Plague


日期: 7月13日星期五
時間: 傍晚8:30 – 9:30
地點: 多倫多大學六四記念碑